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EHSDA Song of the Week: Pain

Unfortunately, workers more often than not have to deal with assorted aches and pains (and worse) due to on-the-job injuries. This Song of the Week deals with the subject of pain courtesy of Philadelphia’s The War on Drugs. “Pain” is the second song on the band’s 2017 album A Deeper Understanding. Led by singer-guitarist Adam […]

The Eyes Have It!

You’ve probably trained your workers on how to keep their eyes safe from injury on and off the job. But have you also educated employees on how to keep their eyes healthy? March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month, the perfect opportunity to give your workers a brief overview on eye health and wellness. Use the […]

First-Aid Refresher Training

Seconds count when an injury or illness occurs on the job. Use the information in this session to train employees on how to handle medical emergencies when they are the first or only person on the scene. Instruct employees to take the following steps when injuries happen. Appropriate initial care can go a long way […]

Securing Your Organization’s Portable Electronic Devices

With increasing frequency, confidential business and personal information is stored on portable electronic devices such as laptops, personal digital assistants, removable disk drives, memory cards, and the like. Along with this trend has come a spate of highly publicized security breaches involving the loss or theft of equipment containing customer records, Social Security numbers, driver’s […]

Lawyer Disagrees with OSHA Assessment of SVEP

OSHA says its Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP) is off to a good start and is already meeting some of its goals. But a review of the program by a law firm comes to different conclusions. The SVEP took effect in 2010. It targets “recalcitrant employers who demonstrate indifference to the health and safety of […]

Innovations in Hearing Conservation Help Protect Workers and Improve Safety

Every year 30 million people are exposed to hazardous noise on the job, and thousands suffer from preventable work-related hearing loss. Now, some innovative technology comes to the rescue and helps protect workers in noisy environments. For example, at 3M’s Hutchinson, Minnesota, facility, a 2012 Safe-in-Sound award winner, workers undergo annual fit testing, using 3M’s […]

RTW: Get Injured Employees Back to Work Soon and Safely

A contractor presents evidence that it had provided training to a supervisor who violated safety regulations. Will this be enough to get the contractor off the hook with OSHA? Injured employees heal faster when they’re restored to their "normal" routines and lives more quickly. Bringing an employee back to work quickly also helps maintain the […]

9th Circuit to hear California nonroad vehicle case

In 2013, the trucking and road construction industries initiated a case to prevent the EPA from waiving federal emissions standards for nonroad diesel engines to allow the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to impose its own more stringent standards on those vehicles. The outcome of that dispute will carry major consequences for California businesses and, […]

Evaluate Your Computer Workstations for Safety and Comfort

Yesterday, we presented the first part of OSHA’s computer workstation safety checklist. Today, we conclude with the rest of the checklist and some important information about BLR’s Safety Audit Checklists. WORK AREA—Is the work area designed or arranged for doing computer tasks so that the user’s: Thighs have sufficient clearance space between the top of […]

Just Try Tying Your Shoes with One Hand!

Hand injuries can be especially traumatic, stripping away not only an employee’s ability to work, but also the ability to perform activities of daily living. Yet, workplace hand protection often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. OSHA’s hand protection standard (29 CFR 1910.138) is short and sweet: 1910.138(a) General requirements. Employers shall select and require […]