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OSHA Seeks Changes to On-Site Consultation Program

OSHA has proposed changes to its on-site consultation program. The comment period on the changes ends today. But there’s still time to express your views if you hurry. OSHA says proposed revisions to the on-site consultation service would provide the agency with greater flexibility regarding the inspection of workplaces undergoing an on-site consultation visit and […]

Must You Follow Your Insurer’s Safety Recommendations?

Gary Findley, Safety Director for Grand Package Corp., was concerned when he heard that the company’s workers compensation insurance carrier wanted to conduct a safety audit of the plant. “Don’t worry,” the president of Grand Package reassured him. “It’s not as if we’re having an OSHA inspection. The insurance company is coming here to help […]

Tips for Stronger, More Flexible Backs

Strong, flexible, well-conditioned backs are healthy, safe backs. Help your workers prevent back injuries by teaching them these tips and some quick and easy back exercises. One way to help prevent back injuries is to improve the condition of your back. Here are some tips from® that you can pass along to your workers […]

Top 10 Strategies for Combating Employee Stress

Employee stress stressing you out? Here are 10 strategies for combating employee stress. Workplace stress is a bigger problem than it used to be, and employers have good reason to be more concerned about it than in the past, says Barry Hall, principal at Buck Consultants. In a recent survey, 82% of participants reported that […]

Help Employees Party Hearty—and Stay Healthy

The holidays provide a great reason to get together with friends, family, and co-workers, which means there are lots of parties and food everywhere. Our Safety Training Tips editor warns that the weight you gain may not come off. It’s so easy to gain weight at this time of year, but even though the gain […]

Getting the Most out of National Safety Month

As you no doubt know, June is National Safety Month. Today our Safety Training Tips editor gives you some suggestions for following this year’s weekly themes. The National Safety Council (NSC) says that National Safety Month is a time to promote round-the-clock safety and health. NSC stresses the "urgent need to reduce unintentional deaths and […]

losing the Gap Between Safety as a Value and Safety Culture: Part 2

Yesterday, we presented the views of two leaders in workplace safety on closing the gap between safety as a value and safety culture. Today, we conclude with the thoughts of a third. Jeff Ruebesam, VP of Global Health, Safety and Environmental at Fluor Corporation, spoke about his company’s use of leading indicators to measure employee […]

Cal/OSHA Raising Awareness of Construction Suicide Prevention Week

California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) on September 9 encouraged employers and workers to raise awareness of Construction Suicide Prevention Week, September 9-13. Hundreds of thousands of construction workers throughout the country are participating this week, according to Cal/OSHA, calling attention to support and resources for work-related mental health and suicide prevention. Construction […]

‘Tis the Season to Celebrate Responsibly

Drinking and driving are a problem all year around. But it becomes even a bigger issue at holiday time when so many people are out celebrating. Talk to your employees about their safety this holiday season. ‘Tis the Season to Celebrate Responsibly December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, which makes it a […]

Planning for Pandemic Critical, CDC Says

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that planning for pandemics is critical. During a pandemic, organizations such as yours play a key role in protecting employees’ health and safety as well as limiting the flu’s negative impact on the economy and society. Although the most recent pandemic threat from the H1N1 virus […]