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What’s in Your Safety Program?

Eliminating accidents and injuries is the ultimate goal of all safety programs. But to achieve this goal, safety programs must incorporate a specific accident prevention policy. The best safety programs incorporate an accident prevention policy that covers these basic points: A statement of the company’s commitment to safety Establishment of a safety committee and an […]

Assessing and Planning Safety Training

Although some OSHA regulations are specific about training requirements, others are not. Both the law and sound business practice compel you to look beyond specific safety and health regulations to identify employee training needs. The need for training is often implied in OSHA regulations rather than specified. For example, the general housekeeping standard (29 CFR […]

Train Your Employees on What to Wear When

Do your employees know how to use PPE to protect themselves from corrosive hazards? You can use the basic information in today’s Advisor to address this subject. November is National Healthy Skin Month so you can use that as a hook for new or refresher training on protection from corrosive hazards—including skin protection. Instruct employees […]

Hand-held v. Hands-free Cell Phones

A National Highway Safety Administration (NHSTA) report found that at least 25% of motor vehicle crashes are distraction related. Distraction refers to the diversion of attention away from the primary task of driving due to other activities. Examples of distraction include animals, eating/drinking, reading, cell phones, passengers, rubber-necking, children, radio, texting, and smoking. These distractions […]

The Skinny on Skin Care

November is National Healthy Skin Month, so it’s a great time to teach your employees how to protect their body’s natural armor. Weighing in at between 6 and 9 pounds and with a surface area of about 2 square yards, the skin is the body’s largest organ. As such, it is the body’s first line […]

Party Platters Could Make You Sick

With the holiday season upon us, there may be a danger lurking among those cold cuts and pates. Listeriosis is an illness caused by eating foods contaminated with listeria monocytogenes, bacteria found in soil and water. Ready-to-eat foods also can become contaminated within the processing plant, after processing, or along the route from plant to […]

Effective Evaluations

Since the goal of safety training programs is to equip and enable employees to work without incident or injury, you must evaluate your training’s effectiveness at achieving these goals. Indeed, in OSHA’s Seven-Step Voluntary Training Guidelines, Step 6 is “Evaluating Program Effectiveness.” Here’s what the OSHA Guidelines recommend: “To make sure that the training program […]

Taking The Easy Way Out 

Why do some people persist in taking chances and others don’t? How can you get your workers to realize that taking a chance is just not worth the risk? Have a heart-to-heart discussion with them at your next safety meeting. Ask them when they’ve taken chances at home or work and discuss what could have […]

Safety Training Tips

Analyze This! Performing a job hazard analysis is an effective tool to minimize or eliminate hazards and reduce accidents. Make sure your employees don’t look at just the obvious dangers; train them to look for simple, everyday things that can go wrong, too. Each job in the workplace should be examined in detail so that […]

Week in Review, February 25, 2011

Note to Readers: This newsletter appears daily, but we know some don’t always have the time to read it everyday. For your convenience, here’s a re-publication of what we covered this past week. Daily, weekly, or anything in between, we’re pleased to keep you informed with the latest tips, news and advice on the profession. […]