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The Air at Work

October is Healthy Lung Month, which is a good time for you to discuss airborne hazards and how your employees can protect their lungs. Start by discussing what causes lung disease on the job. The American Lung Association lists several workplace breathing hazards: Dusts Environmental tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke) Gases Solvent mists and vapors Welding […]

Winter Wellness

Spring doesn’t officially begin for about 3 more weeks, but encourage your workers not to wait for spring weather to engage in outdoor activities to stay fit. Remind employees that even though it may still be winter outside they still need to get outside for fresh air and enough daily sunlight for vitamin D absorption […]

Are Your Workers Immune?

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, so take the opportunity to let your workers know that vaccinations aren’t just for kids. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there are several reasons for adults to be vaccinated: They weren’t vaccinated as children. New vaccines are now available. Their immunity has faded with […]

Protecting Workers 24/7

Find out how one company has leveraged their existing safety and health management system to cover employee off-the-job safety and become a leader in the field. “We finally realized the cost to the business as so many more people are hurt at home than at work,” says Dale Wriedt, manager of work and life safety […]

Don’t Slip Up!

Between workers comp expenses, lost-time, medical charges, and property damage, common slip, trip, and fall accidents can get expensive. Here are some important tips to pass on to your workers: Slips On slippery or wet surfaces, take short steps, walk with your feet turned outward slightly, and make wide turns at corners. Wear slip resistant […]

GAO Says OSHA Could Do Better Job with State-Run Safety Programs

A report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that some state-run occupational safety and health programs have failed to meet minimum workplace safety inspection goals. The report details the challenges faced by many state-run programs and recommends actions for federal OSHA to take to mitigate these issues. Twenty-one states and Puerto Rico currently run […]

Free Report for Safety Professionals: Does Your PPE Program Meet OSHA’s Requirements?

The Safety Daily Advisor announced today the release of a free white paper for safety professionals, Does Your PPE Program Meet OSHA’s Requirements?, which will help safety professionals comply with OSHA’s Personal Protective Equipment standards while also keeping their employees safe. “Making sure your employees use required PPE is a tough responsibility that you can’t […]

Workers’ Compensation Claims? The Best Defense is a Strong Offense

They say that a strong offense is the best defense. Well, that applies to workers’ compensation claim defenses, too. As an employer, you need to have a strong administrative foundation upon which you will be able to establish affirmative defenses when you’re faced with a situation where you’ve got a workers’ compensation claim that may […]

Court Refuses to Require Retroactive PM Deadlines

Two Clean Air Act (CAA) provisions governing deadlines for submission of state implementation plans (SIPs) to bring areas into attainment with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter (PM) were at the core of a recent decision by a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

Workplaces Safer, but We’re Not Out of the Woods Yet

The good news is that there are fewer workplace injuries and illnesses than there used to be. The bad news is that there are still too many. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses among private industry employers declined in 2009 (the most recent year for which statistics are […]