In present-day multi-tier supply chains, production processes and sourcing needs are distributed across thousands of suppliers operating beyond borders. While this helps companies drive economic efficiency, distributed supply chain networks often run at the cost of resilience and transparency. Evolving regulatory requirements and the market volatility caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have transformed how companies […]
Over the past five decades, the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) industry has made great strides in improvement, in line with a more robust regulatory and legal framework that drives organizations to establish safer practices. However, evolving risks continue to challenge what makes established global OHS standards most effective. Download Here!
A Look into the Past, Present, and Future of America’s Occupational Safety Advocate! As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of OSHA, it is important to know how the occupational safety and health movement began worldwide. Such a history will only highlight the connections between the concerns of workers past and present, and prepare us for […]
Do you know the difference between a hazard assessment and a risk assessment? It’s one of the most commonly misunderstood elements of health and safety but knowing the difference helps you take a proactive approach to safety. Download Alcumus’ free guide to learn how to define hazards and risks, how the two assessments differ and […]
Return on investment (ROI) is an important pillar of a business case for EHS investment, but it’s not the foundation. There’s a right time and audience for a return on investment (ROI) discussion when making your pitch for EHS spending. The Intelex Insight Report, Determining the ROI of Safety: Why Data Matters, explains when to use […]
Environment, sustainability, and governance (ESG) has changed the perception of EHS as businesses show keen interest in aligning with the essential principles of protecting the planet and people. ESG gives EHS practitioners a platform to be a business partner – one that’s not simply judged from a traditional cost-avoidance function. The Insight Report, What Every […]
When maintaining a safe work environment, it’s important to consider risk and take steps to manage it. The Risks and the Rewards survey from Avetta and EHS Daily Advisor was launched in May 2022 and gathered the insight of 106 environment, health, and safety (EHS) professionals about how their organizations handle risk management and mitigation. […]
According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the economic cost of unregulated occupational health and safety practices is estimated to be close to 4% of the yearly global GDP which is around $3 trillion. Businesses around the world are paying a steep cost on workplace incidents and safety hazards. To mitigate damages, organizations must ensure […]
The number of global regulations for EHS and quality practices is increasing every year, as are the penalties for noncompliance. The cost of failing to comply with regulations is high and can be measured in terms of money, brand damage, environmental damage, and human lives. Yet with regulatory compliance becoming increasingly complex—especially for organizations with international […]
From working at home to navigating the safety requirements of the pandemic workplace, workers around the world are experiencing disruption that is taking its toll on mental and physical health. As COVID-19 has demonstrated, the world can move quickly from business-as-usual to severe global disruption. Organizations therefore require expert guidance to navigate the tempestuous present […]