Tag: Clean Water Act

Site practices and BMP solutions for stormwater management

Avoid the pitfalls. According to Willobee, there are common design concerns that SWPPPs frequently overlook. He sees the following problems in many construction SWPPPs: Failure to specify appropriate stabilization measures for temporary diversion ditches Excessive reliance on sediment control practices such as silt fences, sediment basins, and inlet protection Lack of run-on controls Insufficient information […]

Maintaining Industrial Stormwater No Exposure Conditions

The intent of the No Exposure Exclusion is to provide industrial facilities regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) program, whose industrial activities and materials are completely sheltered, with a simplified method for complying with the Clean Water Act. Facilities that qualify for the No Exposure Exclusion are not required to be covered by […]