Tag: Environmental Training

Overall Strategies for Flood Recovery and Resilience—Part 2

Overall Strategies for Flood Recovery and Resilience—Part 2 After fully assessing policies and regulations at both the local and state levels, the next strategy is amending zoning, subdivision, and stormwater policies and regulations to match plans. Although the team recommends tailoring options to the specific needs and attributes of each community, they established four categories […]

Overall Strategies for Flood Recovery and Resilience—Part 1

Overall Strategies for Flood Recovery and Resilience—Part 1 The 2011 flooding in Vermont damaged more than 500 miles of roadways and about 200 bridges; released hazardous wastes into water, sediment, and soil; caused wastewater treatment plants to overflow; and damaged agricultural crops and buildings. The damage to roads and bridges alone was estimated at $175 […]

Proposed UST Operator Training Program Elements

Proposed UST Operator Training Program Elements EPA’s proposed UST regulatory revisions encompass many aspects of UST systems, including extensive changes to the requirements for UST operator training, as we discussed yesterday. Although EPA’s intention is to require operator training that is consistent with the grant guidelines for states under the Energy Policy Act, the Agency […]

Highlights of Expanded UST Operator Training

Highlights of Expanded UST Operator Training The Energy Policy Act of 2005 amended Subtitle I of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), which is the federal statute authorizing the UST program. One of the provisions is UST operator training that is required for all states receiving Subtitle I funds, whether the state is approved to […]

Refrigerant Venting Rule Changes for the Better

Under Section 608 of the CAA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to create regulations covering the use and disposal of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) used as refrigerants, including specific chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydroclorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). The regulation is titled “National Recycling and Emission Reduction Program” and applies to the service, repair or disposal of appliances […]

Educating Tenants about Energy Efficiency

Educating Tenants about Energy Efficiency – A Win-Win In the commercial real estate sector, the disconnect between building owners and tenants can slow the switch to energy efficiency. According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Energy Star® program, a significant portion of a building’s energy use is under the direct or indirect control of the […]