Tag: EPA

TRI Reporting Due Soon

President Obama’s Omnibus Appropriations Act rescinded EPA’s TRI Burden Reduction Rule of 2006. The Act requires that all reports on PBT chemicals (chemicals and chemical categories of “special concern”) be submitted on Form R, the more detailed form. For all other chemicals, the shorter Form A may be used only if the annual reporting amount […]

TRI Exemptions—What You Don’t Have to Report

Use Exemptions Certain uses of listed toxic chemicals are exempt: Use as a structural component of the facility. Use in routine janitorial or facility grounds maintenance (including phenol in bathroom disinfectants and pesticides in lawn care products). Listed chemicals used in facility equipment maintenance and cleaning or maintenance activities that are integral to the production […]

Controlling Mosquitoes in Your Area

Yesterday we talked about using insect repellents safely to battle mosquitoes. But applying insect repellents isn’t the only thing you can do to combat mosquitoes.  Protect yourself and your workers from insect-borne diseases by taking these tips from EPA for controlling mosquitoes in your area. Remove Their Habitat Eliminate standing water in rain gutters, old […]