Tag: EPA

Simplifying Secondary Containment at SPCC-Regulated Facilities

Amanda Czepiel, J.D., SPCC Expert aczepiel@blr.com Well, SPCC regulations and the EPA’s guidance are very specific about what needs to be included, and you don’t want to be caught unprepared: an insufficient SPCC plan is one of the top SPCC violations, and fines are hefty. Why does my facility need secondary containment? Secondary containment systems […]

UST Best Management Practices: Spill Buckets

By Nancy W. Teolis, J.D., BLR Legal Editor-Environmental nteolis@blr.com Federal rules require USTs to be protected from spills, overfills, and corrosion. What is a Spill Bucket? Spill Bucket USTs must have spill buckets at each fill pipe where fuel is delivered into the UST to contain spills that may occur as a result of fuel […]