Tag: forklifts

What Makes a Forklift Operator? Basic Qualifications

An unqualified forklift operator is a hazard to himself, to coworkers, and to your bottom line. The answer to the question “What makes a forklift operator qualified?” might seem straightforward—“a certified forklift operator,” right? But what goes into that qualification? What does a certified forklift operator know? Here are the basic ingredients that identify a […]

Align Your Training with OSHA’s Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards

Use the information in today’s Advisor to help you plan your safety training program. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides much assistance to businesses of all sizes to help them set up and manage effective safety programs. That assistance includes training programs, which you can learn more about here www.osha.gov/dte/index.html. In addition, check […]

Do Your Workers Walk Safely Around Forklifts?

In July 2014, California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) leveled $308,435 in proposed fines against NFI, a warehouse operator in Mira Loma, California. What had NFI done to merit such a stiff penalty? The company had failed to correct conditions at its workplace that put pedestrians and forklifts together in dangerous ways.

Safe Work Practices for Pedestrians Around Forklifts

Yesterday, we discussed some of the hazards that are created when pedestrians work in close proximity to forklifts. Today, we’ll look at some work practices that pedestrians can use to stay safe when they’re crossing paths with powered industrial trucks.

Fire Drills Aren’t Just for Fun

October 5 to 11 is National Fire Prevention Week (www.nfpa.org/safety-information/fire-prevention-week). Inspire your employees to participate in fire drill training by sharing the news about how a failure to train and drill on evacuation routes earned Hawaii companies large fines.

Build a Better Retraining Program with These Three R’s

In yesterday’s Advisor, we looked at three ways to make sure that your introductory training works for your workforce. But training is never a one-and-done proposition. Build a training program that continually reinforces your safety message with three more fundamental strategies.

Worker Safety and Forklift Maintenance

Yesterday, we looked at forklift maintenance—particularly, at the training required for workers who perform repair and maintenance on forklifts. Today, we’ll look at a few more requirements that might apply, as well as some rules for maintenance locations and replacement parts. Additional Training for Forklift Maintenance Workers Some topics are specific to forklifts, but other […]

Keys to Forklift Maintenance

When it comes to forklift safety, a lot of emphasis is placed on operators and their training. But maintenance is also critical to forklift safety—and workers who perform forklift repairs and maintenance face hazards that must be addressed with worker training and attention to the work environment. Identifying Maintenance Issues There are two ways to […]