Tag: National Pollution Discharge Elimination System

The Challenge of Environmental E-Reporting

Not long ago, the standard practice for environmental reporting included filling out ready-made forms by pen followed by mailing or faxing the document to the respective federal or state agency. As the digital age progresses, and regulators are favoring online reporting (i.e., electronic reporting, or e-reporting), the “old-fashioned” method of using a pen and paper […]

Stormwater: Who Is a ‘Qualified’ Person?

In the world of stormwater, certain “qualified” professionals have hefty responsibilities, such as conducting facility inspections, monitoring, and developing and certifying the stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP). But, what does it really mean to be a qualified professional? Often, in National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permits, there is language referring to a qualified […]