Inspection-Prep Tips for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
Understanding NPDES Permit Changes for Pesticide Applications
Investing in Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management
Stormwater Permits Can Incorporate Green Infrastructure
Watershed Restoration Initiatives May Spur Enforcement
Green infrastructure and water rights
In some areas, water is a limited resource, and complex water laws have been established to define rights to water. Every state has different laws and policies in place, and some of these laws are evolving to reflect the importance of green infrastructure. But if you are located in one of these states, how do […]
Overburdened Communities Get a Voice in Permit Process
EPA Provides Facility Guidance While Finalizing Industrial Stormwater Permit
Site practices and BMP solutions for stormwater management
Avoid the pitfalls. According to Willobee, there are common design concerns that SWPPPs frequently overlook. He sees the following problems in many construction SWPPPs: Failure to specify appropriate stabilization measures for temporary diversion ditches Excessive reliance on sediment control practices such as silt fences, sediment basins, and inlet protection Lack of run-on controls Insufficient information […]