Tag: Pollution Prevention Plan

Build a Rain Garden into Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

The development and implementation of the BMP is what ultimately decides the effectiveness of an SWPPP. In managing stormwater, BMPs can be broken down into two types: structural BMPs and nonstructural BMPs. Today, we will focus on structural BMPs (which as you can imagine are physical structures) in the form of rain gardens. EcoGro, based […]

12 Changes in Store for EPA’s MSGP for Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities

Twelve changes to the 2008 federal MSGP for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity are included in EPA’s draft 2013 MSGP. Coverage under the 2008 MSGP, which expired September 29, 2013, is administratively extended until the 2013 permit is issued, provided facilities submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to be covered by the new permit […]