Special Topics in Safety Management

OSHA Revises National Emphasis Program to Minimize Risks to Workers in Microwave Popcorn Manufacturing

OSHA announced today that it is withdrawing its proposed interpretation on occupational noise, entitled: “Interpretation of OSHA’s Provisions for Feasible Administrative or Engineering Controls of Occupational Noise.” The proposed interpretation would have expanded upon the “feasible administrative or engineering controls” phrasing used in OSHA’s noise standard. It was first published on Oct 19, 2010 in the Federal Register.

Some companies have switched from diacetyl to diacetyl substitutes, such as 2,3-pentanedione. However, this chemical has also produced similar negative health effects, says OSHA. Updates to the NEP directive will include inspection targeting, directions for controlling chemical hazards, and compliance assistance.

In a recent OSHA press release, Assistant Secretary of Labor Dr. David Michaels stated that: "It is alarming that workers continue to be at risk of dying from exposure to diacetyl and diacetyl substitutes. Illnesses and death from these chemicals are preventable and this revised directive will help ensure that employers use necessary measures to protect workers from this hazard."

The microwave popcorn manufacturing industry is also subject to other OSHA standards including respiratory protection and hazard communication.

Source: OSHA


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