On June 15, OSHA issued a new guidance document on “recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices” (RAGAGEP) in process safety management enforcement. Read the article to find out what the guidelines mean for your facility.
The Chevron Richmond Refinery fire of 2012, and the recommendations of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board that arose from it, sent regulatory agencies into a tizzy. In the wake of the recommendations, Cal/OSHA has been busily expanding its requirements and enforcement activities related to process safety management (PSM), starting with passage of Senate Bill (S.B.) 1300 and proposed revisions to Cal/OSHA’s PSM standard.
Federal OSHA is also increasing its PSM emphasis. On June 5, 2015, it issued a new guidance document on “recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices” (RAGAGEP) in PSM enforcement. Keep reading to find out what the regulation means for affected facilities.
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