
Are Your Workers Becoming Complacent? Help Them Refocus on Safety

When you put an effective safety program in place—one that eliminates as many hazards as possible, substitutes safer alternatives whenever available, and uses engineering controls to minimize other hazards—your workers can start to think of the workplace as “safe.” And, when they feel safe, what happens? They might let their guard down. In the workplace, […]

Get Out! A Checklist for Inspecting Your Emergency Escape Routes

In the event of a fire, chemical release, or similar disaster, your workers might need to leave the building quickly. You’ve probably established emergency evacuation routes, but have you given them a test run? What looks good on paper may not work in real life. When designating your evacuation routes, actually walk each route, observing […]

Cleaning Chemicals Sicken 20 Workers; How to Avoid Deadly Mixtures

When Taylor Farms workers in Tracy arrived for the morning shift on October 15, 2015, they immediately noticed a strong chlorine smell. Twenty workers, including two pregnant women, became sick enough that they evacuated the building and called 911. According to the Tracy Fire Department, the plant’s sanitation crew had accidentally mixed two cleaning chemicals, […]

Workplace Violence: NIOSH Says Stores Neglect Simplest Safety Measures to Their Detriment

Employers sometimes fret over the cost of preventive safety measures: Was it worth hiring extra personnel to prevent an injury that might not have happened anyway? Was it worth installing extra equipment to control a hazard that workers encounter only once or twice a year? But sometimes employers don’t implement simple, inexpensive measures that could […]

Frozen Pipes and Other Sprinkler System Headaches

When the temperature drops below freezing, your pipes are at risk. Most people, including most business owners, are aware of this risk with respect to ordinary plumbing found in bathrooms and kitchens. But, have you considered whether your workplace sprinkler system is at risk? Frozen sprinkler system piping that bursts can cause serious water damage […]