
Are you a Safe Worker?

Any day is the perfect time to ask yourself that question. You also might want to copy this test and give it to your co-workers. Safe workers protect not only themselves but everyone around them. Answer “Yes” or “No” to the following. Do you: Treat safety as a very important job responsibility? Plan each job […]

Sleep On It— How to get a good night’s sleep

Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. People who are well rested feel alert and do not have the urge to nap. Are you getting all the sleep you need? If you’re not sure or are having difficulty sleeping, try these sleep tips from the National Institutes of Health: Keep a […]

Back Up Your Back Safety Program with Feedback on Safe Lifting

Making sure employees lift safely and avoid back injuries is an ongoing process. Good training supplemented by frequent feedback is a winning combination. Let’s say there’s this workplace that is experiencing a high rate of back injuries. The safety manager knows that most of the injuries are a result of unsafe lifting. The company has […]

Take Control of Slip, Trip, and Fall Hazards

One in five lost-work-time incidents is a slip, trip, or fall. Control this common hazard with some no-nonsense, easily implemented strategies. Most falls on a level surface don’t result in a recordable injury but merely a bump, some bruises, or perhaps scattered papers and spilled coffee. But sometimes these falls can and do cause more […]

Workplace Violence: Train to Prevent a Tragedy

Why is it so important to provide violence prevention training, and what should that training include? Find out here. During violence prevention training, employees should learn how to: Recognize warning signs of violence Report such behaviors Defuse violent situations Supervisors and managers should also be trained about these issues and additionally learn how to: Follow […]

Just Say NO! to Workplace Violence

It takes effort on the part of every member of your organization to combat workplace violence, starting with safety personnel. A former employee with a grudge against his supervisor enters the workplace armed with a gun and kills his supervisor and three other employees before turning the gun on himself. After the incident, co-workers said […]

Brrrrrrrace Your Workers for the Cold

Very cold temperatures can be hazardous—even deadly—to your workers’ health. Of course, no matter the temperature, the work must still get done. Workers can be exposed to hazards from cold indoors as well as outside. It’s very cold, for instance, in food storage areas. However, since it’s January, it makes sense to focus your training […]

Check Out Our Confined Space Safety Checklist

Checklists help ensure that you follow OSHA confined space requirements in every detail. There are so many management issues related to confined spaces of which you need to be aware, such as hazardous atmospheres, confined space programs and permits, and employee training requirements. You’ll find all the details, of course, in 29 CFR 1910.146, Permit-Required […]

Confined Spaces: You Have Questions, We Have Answers

Nobody wants to make a mistake about confined space safety requirements. The result could be tragic. Best to ask questions first. Here are some questions and answers about OSHA’s confined space safety requirements, courtesy of our sister website We have several confined spaces at our plant, but only two of them would be considered […]

The 5 Deadly Forklift Dangers: Don’t Let These Happen to You!

OSHA estimates that 1 million forklifts are used in workplaces across the U.S. Each year, nearly 100 workers are killed and another 20,000 are seriously injured in forklift-related incidents. Deadly Danger # 1: Forklift Overturns Close to 1 out of every 4 fatalities occurs when a forklift tips over. To prevent rollovers: Make sure the […]