
What Happens After Something Happens?

Properly conducted accident investigations analyze and eradicate the hazards that cause accidents. Investigations also educate and motivate to prevent future incidents. Accidents happen. Despite your best efforts, zero accident policies, and well-trained employees, things sometimes go wrong. So what happens after an accident or near miss happens in your facility is a question you have […]

10 Ways to Involve Workers in Accident Prevention

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in one recent year there were 5,488 fatal occupational injuries and 1,158,900 injuries involving days away from work. Add to that all the accidents that resulted in minor injuries, and you have somewhere in the vicinity of 4 million plus recorded workplace accidents. Thorough analysis and understanding of […]

Well-Trained Operators = Safe Forklift Operations

Forklift accidents are costly in both human and economic terms. But those are costs you won’t have to pay if you train your forklift operators to recognize hazards and follow proper operating procedures. Most accidents with forklifts involve pedestrians. The most common hazards include: Having an obstructed view—the operator cannot see the pedestrian because of […]

Forklifts: 7 Tips for Keeping Workers Safe

Most workplaces couldn’t do without forklifts. But they certainly could do without forklift accidents and the resulting injuries. These tips can help keep both forklift operators and pedestrians safe.  (These tips are provided courtesy of our sister publication, the Cal/OSHA Compliance Advisor) A truck driver from Iowa delivered new light poles to the football field […]

Lyme Disease—Don’t Get Ticked

We all spend time outdoors, so we all are at some risk of coming into contact with the deer ticks that carry Lyme disease. Our Safety Training Tips editor offers some tips to share with your workers for lowering the risk of contracting this potentially debilitating disease. Lyme disease lives in squirrels, mice, and other […]

Back Injuries: Eliminate the ‘Usual Suspects’

Strains and sprains are the leading cause of workplace injuries and illnesses, and the back is one of the parts of the body most affected. According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, back injuries account for nearly 20 percent of all injuries and illnesses in the workplace, affecting more than 1 million workers annually. […]

Back Pain: Causes and Prevention

Back pain is among mankind’s earliest and most enduring afflictions. In fact, cave drawings have depicted early sufferers. Today, back pain has become a major workplace issue. The American Physical Therapy Association reports that back pain is the most common cause of loss of activity among adults under 45 and that more than 80 percent […]

Emergency Preparedness: Got Your Ducks in a Row?

Your level of preparation for emergencies will determine how well your employees and your facility survive these incidents. It will also establish how OSHA views your compliance with emergency action requirements. Just about anywhere you look in the OSHA standards, you’ll find some reference to workplace emergencies. Subparts E, H, K, L, and Z of […]

10 Keys to an Effective Emergency Action Plan

Earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes—having an action plan is an important part of emergency preparedness. However, merely writing one isn’t enough. You also have to make sure it is workable. Here are 10 key points to consider when developing an emergency action plan, courtesy of our sister publication, the Cal/OSHA Compliance Advisor:   1.  Since […]

Here’s a Cutting Edge to Avoid

Our Safety Training Tips editor gives some advice for training your employees on the essentials of machine guarding. Amputations are all too common injuries for employees who work on or around machines. Because of these and other sometimes gruesome machine dangers, OSHA has extensive regulations for machine guarding in 29 CFR 1910 Subpart O Machinery […]