
Coaching Safety Teamwork: Everybody Wins

Today we turn to the world of sports for some tips on how you can build and run a winning safety team. Teamwork is a beautiful thing to see. When players work as a team, they usually win. When they don’t, they often lose. The same holds true for safety in the workplace — when […]

If the Protective Shoe Fits, They’ll Wear It

In yesterday’s Advisor, we reviewed OSHA’s foot protection requirements, and particularly the not-so-simple question of who is required to pay for it (generally the employers, but with certain notable exceptions). Today we move on to the proper selection and fit of foot protection, and we’ll look at a tool that helps you satisfy OSHA’s stringent […]

Foot Protection: Who Foots the Bill?

OSHA requires foot protection be worn to guard against a variety of hazards, but the question of who must pay for it is not as simple as it seems. Each year there are tens of thousands of disabling foot injuries, and requiring at-risk workers to wear appropriate foot protection isn’t just good safety practice – […]

What if my Employees ‘Flunk’ a Training Quiz?

Just because you train your employees, it doesn’t mean that they will “get it,” at least not right away. Today our Safety Training Tips editor talks about what to do if an employee fails important safety-training testing. Failure is not an option. When you’re dealing with safety and health training, lives could depend on all […]

Defensive Driving: Look! No Hands!

Yesterday we looked at 10 safe-driving tips from the veteran drivers/editors at Today we’ll look at some additional defensive-driving tips from our Safety Training Tips editor — and at a “hands-off” training tool that will drive home safe-driving techniques to your workforce. Motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of accidental death in […]

10 Tips to Prevent Employee Car Accidents

The veteran drivers/editors at have seen it all. Noted for their car ratings and reviews, here they parcel out their experience into 10 tips that can help keep your employees safe on the road. As an experienced safety professional, you are no doubt aware that the biggest risk facing your employees every day is […]

How Healthy Is your Communicable Diseases Policy?

Yesterday we looked at the continuing threat posed by tuberculosis (TB), the occupations most at risk of infection, and some steps you can take to help prevent the spread of this disease in your workplace. Today we’ll look at policies you can implement to protect your workers against all communicable diseases. While TB is one […]

TB in the Workplace: The Threat Remains

Tuberculosis (TB) kills almost 2 million people a year worldwide. While U.S. TB rates have declined, the threat is real. Here are some tips for preventing its spread in your workplace. If you think of tuberculosis (TB) as a disease of your parent’s or grandparent’s generations, or as a present-day threat only in third-world countries, […]

Chemical Safety Questions? Read the Label!

On Wednesday and Thursday, we looked at ways to protect workers’ skin from chemical and other workplace hazards. Today our Safety Training Tips editor discusses the importance of reading — and understanding — chemical warning labels. OSHA requires labels on chemical containers. The Hazard Communication Standard requires chemical manufacturers and distributors to label chemical containers […]

Skin Protection: What Employers Must Do

Yesterday we saw how frequent hand washing may lead to a higher incidence of contact dermatitis (an irritation of the skin caused by chemicals). We turn now to the larger issue of skin protection in general, and look at a resource that explains your legal obligations as well as best practices for limiting occupational skin […]