Category: EHS Administration

When the Whistle Blows, Will OSHA Say You Retaliated? ‘Reasonable Cause’ and Individual Statutes

When an employee “blows the whistle” on an employer’s alleged illegal activity, employers must tread very carefully. If any action has been taken that the employee could claim is unfavorable, the he or she may feel that the action is retaliatory. When that happens, the employee may file a complaint with the Occupational Safety and […]

When the Whistle Blows, Will OSHA Say You Retaliated? The Rules Have Changed

When a worker believes that his employer is breaking federal law, he or she may “blow the whistle” by reporting the employer to regulators, who then open an investigation. Unscrupulous employers may retaliate against whistleblowers by denying them raises, bonuses, or promotions; demoting them; making their lives at work so miserable that they quit; or […]

Mark Your Calendar: 12 Safety Regulations With Annual Requirements, Part 2

A lot of OSHA standards require that you prepare a written program, provide training, or perform inspections as part of your compliance with the standard. Some of these requirements need only be completed one time; some only require review or updating when there is a change affecting them. But some OSHA standards require you to […]

Mark Your Calendar: 12 Safety Regulations With Annual Requirements

A lot of OSHA standards require that you prepare a written program, provide training, or perform inspections as part of your compliance with the standard. Some of these requirements need only be completed one time; some only require review or updating when there is a change affecting them. But some OSHA standards require you to […]

OSHA Updates Its Safety and Health Management Program Guidelines: What’s New?

OSHA has updated its voluntary Safety and Health Management Program guidelines. They’re not yet finalized; OSHA is accepting public comment on the revisions until February 15. Among the proposed revisions are new sections on program evaluation and multiemployer workplaces. A summary of the proposed changes is below. New Focus Areas for SHMP According to OSHA, […]

OSHA Wants Your 2 cents on its Safety and Health Management Program Guidelines

OSHA has proposed updates to its voluntary Safety and Health Management Program (SHMP) guidelines, which were originally published in 1989. The Agency has invited public comment on the revisions—which could eventually form the basis for an OSHA standard—but only until February 15, so get your 2 cents in now. The revisions to the guidelines were […]