Category: EHS Management

Safety Data

EHS on Tap: E36 What is Return on Safety?

We all know that protecting employees from safety and environmental hazards is just the right thing to do, but business needs cannot be ignored. Going beyond compliance, how can an EHS manager demonstrate to business stakeholders the return on investment of their efforts—or, to put it another way, what is the return on safety in […]

How Much Can (or Should) You Encourage Off-Duty Health and Safety?

There are many reasons that companies institute policies to promote employee safety, including legal or regulatory reasons, strengthening their culture of safety, optimizing employee productivity, or for purely altruistic reasons. But outside of the workplace, can and should your company encourage off-duty safety?

indoor shooting/firing range

Indoor Firing Range Employees Face Increased Lead Exposure

With the recognition that exposure to lead in the workplace can cause a host of short- and long-term illnesses, many industrial sectors have phased out its use and found substitutes. That still leaves many other sectors—at least 22, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)—where workers are more likely to inhale […]

Young Workers

School’s Out—Protect Your Young Workers on the Job

Summer is in full swing, and many teens and young adults are working summer jobs to earn money and gain job experience. Yet these young workers are often at greater risk of on-the-job injury than their older counterparts as a result of their inexperience. OSHA recently announced that it has entered into a voluntary agreement […]

Small business

EU-OSHA Wraps Up Small Business Research Project

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) recently issued its fourth and final report on a 3-year (2014–2017) research project intended to identify the state of occupational safety and health (OSH) in micro and small enterprises (MSE) in nine EU-member states.

Power plant

OSHA Reminds Everyone Nuclear Industry Whistleblowers Are Protected

In a recently published fact sheet, OSHA reminds contractors, subcontractors, and licensees of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and contractors and subcontractors of the Department of Energy (DOE) that their employees are protected from retaliation for reporting potential violations of the Energy Reorganization Act (ERA) or the Atomic Energy Act (AEA) to their employers or […]

Safety Culture 2018

EHS on Tap: E35 Safety Culture: There’s an App for That!

When we talk about safety culture, often the focus is on soft skills—things like effective leadership, good communication, management and employee buy-in, and so forth. However, what many EHS managers may be overlooking in their day-to-day efforts to build safety culture is the role of technology. Are you leveraging new innovations to build the best […]

Evaporative Cooling Solutions for Indoor Workers

As the temperature rises this summer, so does the need to protect workers—including those who work indoors—from heat stress. The Portacool Jetstream™ 250 provides powerful cooling with 8,500 CFM that cools over 3,000 square feet.

Temporary worker introduction

A Joint Responsibility for Temporary Workers

Temporary staffing agencies (or primary employers) and entities who are sent temporary employees (or host employers) may agree that temporary workers are entitled to all the worker protections full-time employees receive, but they may not agree or even know which employer is responsible for ensuring that those protections are implemented.