Category: EHSDA Shorts

EHSDA Shorts: What is Bias?

In this installment of EHSDA Shorts, Christina R. Roll, Sr. Risk Consultant, AXA XL, explains the meaning of bias and the types of bias people have.

EHSDA Shorts: How Can I Find the Right Room for OSHA-Compliant Boothless Hearing Testing?

In this installment of EHSDA Shorts, Kaylee Venman, Account Manager, SHOEBOX Ltd. explains how employers can find the right room for Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)-compliant boothless hearing testing. This clip was taken from a webinar titled “Hearing Conservation: Finding the Right Room for OSHA-Compliant Boothless Hearing Testing,” as part of the EHS Daily […]

EHSDA Shorts: What are the Generational Attitudes Toward Safety?

In this installment of EHSDA Shorts, Jeramy Hurt, Director of EHS Solutions of Ideagen, Camille Oakes, President and CEO of Better Safety, and Meagan Garrett, Director of Engineering – Regulatory and Government Affairs of Climate Control Group, talk about generational attitudes toward safety.