Category: Electrical Safety
Electrical hazards can cause burns, shocks and electrocution (death). OSHA’s design safety electrical standards apply to systems that provide power and light to employee workplaces. These regulations cover electrical installations and equipment installed or used within or on buildings, structures, and other premises. OSHA’s safe work practice rules for electricity provide standards for both qualified employees (those with a specific level of training) and unqualified employees (those with little or no training) who work on, near, or with various electrical components.
Over half of workplace deaths resulting from electrocution are caused by defective electrical equipment and failure on the part of employees to follow safe work procedures. Electrical safety training can prevent both types of accidents. OSHA’s electrical safety standard recognizes two types of employees—qualified and unqualified (Safety-Related Work Practices, 29 CFR 1910.331-335). Qualified employees are […]
Because electricity is used in every workplace, the threat of electrocution is present in almost every job. Simple steps can protect workers and prevent electrical accidents. When your employees think of electrical hazards, they may get an image of high voltage overhead power lines. Unless they see such a threat, they may not realize they’re […]
OSHA says that most electrical servicing and repair tasks should be limited to workers who have been fully trained on electrical hazards and procedures. Today our Safety Training Tips editor tells you what the rest of your workers need to know about electrical safety. Who’s “unqualified”? Because of the potential for fatal accidents when electricity […]