Category: Emergency Preparedness and Response

No one wants it to happen, but an emergency, natural or manmade, can strike at anytime, 24/7. What’s more, it need not be a major, nationally-televised incident, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or act of political terror. An event as common as a local building fire can present just as large a challenge to you. These resources will help you create a plan for handling such crises, whatever their scope, and to carry it out in a way that best protects your employees and your company.

Free Special Report: 50 Tips for More Effective Safety Training

Check Your Emergency Exit Routes for OSHA Compliance

The design requirements for exit routes are found in 29 CFR 1910.36. Here’s a quick look at the basic requirements. Is each exit a permanent part of your facility? [1910.36(a)(1)] Do the construction materials used to separate exits have at least a one-hour fire resistance rating if the exit connects three stories or less? [1910.36(a)(2)] […]

Emergency Planning: Protect Your Employees and Your Bottom Line

Are you ready for a severe emergency? Many businesses aren’t adequately prepared and as a result 40% of businesses affected by a disaster never reopen. Fires and explosions impact some 70,000 U.S. businesses and cause 200 employee fatalities each year. Other emergencies such as natural disasters, chemical spills, and incidents of workplace violence also take […]

3 Requirements for OSHA-Compliant Confined Spaces Training

OSHA has many requirements for confined spaces training, but compliance doesn’t have to be difficult. Permit-required confined space training must include three key issues: Nature of the hazards Actions to take when exposed to hazards How to arrange for a rescue So says Michael Lawrence, principal of Summit Safety Technologies (Long Beach, CA), accomplished safety […]

Key Issues in Confined Space Rescue

Because of the many hazards associated with confined spaces and the potential for fatal accidents, OSHA requires employers to have a confined-space rescue procedure. Whether the rescue team is internal or external, members of the team must understand how to help victims inside the space during emergencies and get them out safely. Once the rescue […]

Hot Training Topics for Fire Safety

Not only do your employees need to know how to respond to workplace fires, they also have to understand how to help prevent them. That’s a lot of information to communicate about fire safety, and no better time than the present. All employees should know the essentials for responding effectively in the event of a […]

How to Implement an Effective Preparedness Program

Yesterday, we talked about managing a workplace emergency response program. Today, we focus on implementation. says that implementation of a workplace preparedness program includes: Assessing risks Identifying and assessing resources Writing plans Developing a system to manage incidents Training employees so they can execute plans. In particular, recommends taking action on the following […]