Category: Emergency Preparedness and Response

No one wants it to happen, but an emergency, natural or manmade, can strike at anytime, 24/7. What’s more, it need not be a major, nationally-televised incident, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or act of political terror. An event as common as a local building fire can present just as large a challenge to you. These resources will help you create a plan for handling such crises, whatever their scope, and to carry it out in a way that best protects your employees and your company.

Free Special Report: 50 Tips for More Effective Safety Training

Survey Says Office Workers Unsure of Company Safety Plans

Emergencies can strike anywhere—industrial settings or offices. And when they do, it’s ready-or-not time for employees. How ready are your office workers to deal with an emergency? A recent survey commissioned by of small business managers and office workers on office health and safety showed gaps in office workers’ awareness of companies’ safety plans […]

Emergencies: When to Go and When to Stay

In an emergency, inaction or the wrong actions can result in confusion, injuries, and damage. Today, we look at key aspects of emergency response, including evacuation, sheltering-in-place, and shutting down critical operations. A wide variety of situations, both man-made and natural, could require emergency response in your workplace. For example: Fires Explosions Floods Tornadoes Earthquakes […]

Summer of Violence: Time to Review Your Workplace Readiness?

Even though the recent shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin did not involve work settings, they serve as an important reminder that violence may lurk when and where you least expect it. Although in most workplaces violence is not expected, it can erupt with little or no warning almost anywhere. That’s why you need to be […]

Employee Attacks Co-Worker: What Should You Do About It?

Here’s a report of a real court case involving an assault by one employee on a co-worker. You probably won’t see such cases featured on the evening news, but they happen all the time—and they are incidents of workplace violence that need to be addressed. When Buddy arrived at work that day for the second […]