Category: Emergency Preparedness and Response

No one wants it to happen, but an emergency, natural or manmade, can strike at anytime, 24/7. What’s more, it need not be a major, nationally-televised incident, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or act of political terror. An event as common as a local building fire can present just as large a challenge to you. These resources will help you create a plan for handling such crises, whatever their scope, and to carry it out in a way that best protects your employees and your company.

Free Special Report: 50 Tips for More Effective Safety Training

Evacuation Procedures for Employees with Disabilities

Disabled employees may need help in the event of a workplace evacuation. The time to plan for their evacuation is now. During a workplace evacuation or fire drill, employees with disabilities should be assisted by one or more assigned designated assistants. It’s the job of designated assistants to help disabled employees to the nearest exit […]

ABCs of Workplace Exit Routes

OSHA has specific requirements for workplace exit routes to be used to evacuate employees in the event of an emergency. Here’s a quick look at the highlights. The general industry workplace rules for exit routes are located in the OSHA standards at 29 CFR 1910 Subpart E, and cover: 29 CFR 1910.34—Coverage and definitions 29 […]

Between Unfortunate Events and a Tragedies

Organizations that plan, train, communicate, and assess their emergency response are likely to have the best outcomes in terms of damage to people and property. People mistakenly assume that community emergency responders will be available in an emergency, says Lisa Marino, a certified business continuity professional who works in the Business Continuity Management Department of […]


Does EPA have any guidance for EPCRA Tier II reporting for tenant leased spaces? Who is responsible for reporting – the building owner or the tenant who has the hazardous chemicals in the leased space? We are not aware of any EPA guidance documents per se concerning Tier II reporting for leased spaces. However, EPA […]

TRI and Waste Management-Understanding Key Definitions

Waste management is included under the TRI definition of toxic chemicals that are otherwise used, which refers to activities that are not manufacturing or processing. TRI requires that subject facilities report releases and other waste management of listed chemicals. Facilities must also report transfers of toxic chemicals for waste management to off-site locations. Waste management […]

Workplace Violence: A Concern for All Employers

You’ve seen workplace violence reported on TV. You’ve read about it in the newspaper and on the Internet. But what are you doing about it? OSHA defines workplace violence as "any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site." Violent incidents include threats and […]