Category: Emergency Preparedness and Response

No one wants it to happen, but an emergency, natural or manmade, can strike at anytime, 24/7. What’s more, it need not be a major, nationally-televised incident, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or act of political terror. An event as common as a local building fire can present just as large a challenge to you. These resources will help you create a plan for handling such crises, whatever their scope, and to carry it out in a way that best protects your employees and your company.

Free Special Report: 50 Tips for More Effective Safety Training

Taking the Pain Out of Weather Emergencies Preparation

Yesterday we shared some tips for preparing your workers for weather emergencies. Today we’ll look at some of the legal, management, and training issues involved with weather emergencies—and at a product that will walk you right through the preparation process. Types of weather emergencies and natural disasters vary widely from one geographic area to another, […]

Weather Emergencies Preparation Won’t Wait

The recent brisk temperatures here in New England are chilly reminders that winter is on its way and with it the possibility of damaging snow and ice storms. But weather emergencies can strike anywhere anytime, and if workers aren’t prepared, the results can be catastrophic. Here are some tips for getting your workforce prepared. OSHA’s […]

9 Ways to Accommodate Disabled Workers in Evacuation Plans

Yesterday’s Advisor  looked at the critical importance of emergency preparedness for workers with disabilities. Today we’ll review some tips for accommodating specific types of disabilities in your evacuation planning, and look at a tool to help you with all your safety training needs. Just as there are different kinds of disabilities, so are there different […]

Emergency Preparedness for Disabled Workers

Emergency preparedness is important for all of your employees but even more so for those with disabilities. Today we look at some tips and requirements for accommodating workers with disabilities in your emergency preparedness procedures. Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) help orchestrate employer and employee actions, including evacuations, during a workplace emergency. An employer (i.e., property […]

Post-Fall Rescue: Have a Plan and Be Ready to Act Fast

An employee who falls from a height wearing personal fall protection may be saved from instant death or terrible injury. But that employee is still at risk until rescued. Here’s what our Safety Training Tips editor advises that you do to be ready to act quickly. Be aware of the hazards. An employee who falls […]