Category: Enforcement and Inspection

As today’s workplace becomes more complex, regulation of that workplace increases. In this section, you’ll find the practical advice you need to understand exactly what OSHA, other federal agencies, and their state counterparts, require of you, and to comply in the ways that best satisfy both your and their needs. Look also for important court decisions, advice on how to handle enforcement actions, and news of upcoming changes in workplace health and safety law.

Free Special Report: What to Expect from an OSHA Inspection

OSHA Focuses on Amputation Hazards in Region 6

OSHA recently announced a heightened focus on amputation hazards in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. The goal is to enforce safety regulations and hold employers responsible for protecting workers and reducing instances of worker amputations.

OSHA Further Extends Enforcement of Controversial Antiretaliation Provisions

OSHA has agreed to extend the date the Agency was to begin enforcing the antiretaliation provisions of the final rule to improve tracking of workplace injuries and illnesses. Enforcement of the provisions that went into effect August 1, 2016, was already extended once to November 1, 2016. With the latest announcement, employers have until December […]

Keys to Effective Safety Observations

Behavioral observations are a tool to improve safety performance and enhance employee engagement. If it’s been a while since you assessed your observation program and methods, you’ll want to keep reading for a proven method from safety expert Shawn Galloway.

OSHA: IL Roofing Contractor Shows ‘Callous Disregard’ for Safety

On July 29, 2016, OSHA issued citations to a roofing contractor for two willful, two repeated and six serious safety violations. The agency opened an inspection on May 18, 2016, after inspectors observed five roofers working at a height of 13 feet (ft) without adequate fall protection. In this case, the contractor faces proposed penalties […]

Now Harley-Davidson Settles Defeat-Device Allegation

Following the $14.7 billion penalty leveled against Volkswagen®, EPA’s $12 million settlement with Harley-Davidson, Inc., over the company’s alleged sale of illegal defeat devices for use on its motorcycles, is a significant enforcement action that highlights the government’s militant stance against vehicle manufacturers it asserts are violating the Clean Air Act (CAA).