Category: Health and Wellness

Webinar: Zika Virus–Essential Employer Guidelines for Managing This Global Health Emergency

It has not been since the deadly Ebola outbreak of 2014 that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global health emergency. The culprit this time: Zika, a predominantly mosquito-borne and potentially sexually-transmitted virus that can result in a condition called microcephaly in unborn children. Don’t wait for the worst-case scenario to happen—prepare now […]

CDC Reminds Health Workers That Clean Hands Count

A new campaign urges healthcare professionals to work to prevent potentially deadly infections by keeping their hands clean. Nurses and others know the importance of handwashing, don’t they? Keep reading to learn the surprising facts.

Sitting, Standing, and Moving on the Job: Get the Facts

A couple of years ago, we started hearing that “sitting is the new smoking,” an alarming claim about the potential risks of spending hours every day in a chair. This Compliance Report goes beyond the headlines to examine the risks and benefits of sitting, standing, and moving at work.

Tips to Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse on the Job

More Americans than ever—some 50 million—report suffering from chronic pain and may be taking prescription pain medications. Some of these meds have potentially dangerous side effects. Moreover, more people are becoming addicted and may continue using the drugs even after they’re no longer medically necessary. These realities can have a profound effect on safety in […]

Sobering New Stats on Employee Stress

An analysis of three years of data shows a spike of nearly 50 percent in employee stress, depression, and anxiety cases. Why the increase and is there anything you can do about it?