Category: Health and Wellness

Q&A: Gauze as Biohazardous Waste

We recently received the following question from a customer: I work in a warehouse. If an employee has an accident and a the trained responder wore latex gloves, patted the blood away with gauze pads, and placed a large bandage on the wound, is this considered biohazardous waste?

Job Stress Is Here to Stay. So What Can You Do About It?

Fear of being laid off. Excessive overtime. Pressure to perform. Conflicts with coworkers. Job stress is in the house. When you add daily life stressors like finances, family concerns, and illness, the result is a big pile of angst that can wear down your personnel, eroding productivity and safety and costing you money.

Webinar: Zika Virus–Essential Employer Guidelines for Managing This Global Health Emergency

It has not been since the deadly Ebola outbreak of 2014 that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global health emergency. The culprit this time: Zika, a predominantly mosquito-borne and potentially sexually-transmitted virus that can result in a condition called microcephaly in unborn children. Don’t wait for the worst-case scenario to happen—prepare now […]

CDC Reminds Health Workers That Clean Hands Count

A new campaign urges healthcare professionals to work to prevent potentially deadly infections by keeping their hands clean. Nurses and others know the importance of handwashing, don’t they? Keep reading to learn the surprising facts.