Category: Personal Protective Equipment

No safety technology is changing as fast as that employed in PPE. The devices of just a few years ago are now obsolete by replacements that are lighter, easier to use, and more protective. These resources alert you to developments in the field, and equally important, supply training ideas to get your workers to use their PPE, and use it correctly.

Free Special Report: Does Your PPE Program Meet OSHA’s Requirements?

Facemask at work

UPDATED: Can Employers Mandate the Use of Facemasks, and What If Employees Can’t (or Won’t) Wear Them?

This article was last updated and reposted on July 20 in accordance with more up-to-date guidance and links to additional resources. The world has changed in an unprecedented way since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and employers have a lot of questions for our experts at®. Read on to see how experts answered […]

Surgical masks

COVID-19: Cal/OSHA Allows Substitution of Surgical Masks When Respirator Supply Dwindles

The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) issued interim guidance requiring healthcare facilities to provide surgical masks during the COVID-19 pandemic when respirators are not available. The California Aerosol Transmissible Diseases (ATD) standard requires the use of respiratory protection for workers exposed to airborne infectious diseases.

number one in safety

The ROI of Workplace Safety

The following is adapted from Rethinking Hand Safety. Some years ago, I was working with a major aerospace company, helping it pick out the right gloves for some of its manufacturing workers. We had done trials and convinced the line managers to go from a general-purpose glove to a cut-resistant glove. We had lots of […]

Healthcare PPE

COVID-19 Crisis Puts Spotlight on PPE at Healthcare Facilities

The ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought a renewed focus on personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus—referred to as 2019-nCOV or SARS-CoV-2—first identified in Wuhan City, China, in December 2019.

N95 respirator masks

COVID-19: OSHA Issues a Temporary Directive on Respirator Enforcement

On March 14, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued temporary guidance regarding enforcement of annual respirator fit-testing requirements under the respiratory protection standard. The agency directed its field offices to exercise discretion to not cite an employer for violations of the annual fit testing requirement if the employer meets certain conditions.


Coronavirus: CDC Updates N95 Respirator Strategy for COVID-19

On February 29, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its strategy for optimizing the supply of N95 respirators for healthcare workers. The CDC also has developed and continues to update guidance for commercial airlines and shipping for handling known or suspected cases of COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus […]

Respirator Fit Test

The Respiratory Protection Standard: From Dust to Smoke to Coronavirus

Nationwide, approximately 1.4 million workplaces provide at least some of their employees with respiratory protection. Studies indicate that at these workplaces, gaps exist in their written respiratory protection program, their understanding of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements, or the administration of the program. These gaps lead to issues in mandatory compliance or recommended […]

Boosting PPE Compliance in the Workplace

Each year, countless accidents, injuries, and fatalities occur as a result of missing personal protective equipment (PPE) or the failure to properly wear the provided PPE. PPE minimizes exposure to biological, chemical, physical, safety, and ergonomic hazards, and it is the last line of defense between a workplace hazard and the worker. As important as […]