Category: Special Topics in Safety Management

Safety is a process, and as such, needs to be managed. This section offers resources to create a viable safety program, sell it to senior management, train supervisors and employees in using it, and then track and report your progress. Look also for ways to advance your own skills in these areas, both for your current job, and those that follow.

Free Special Report: 50 Tips for More Effective Safety Training

Guard Against Workplace Amputations

Yesterday, we talked about workplace amputation risks. Today, we look at machine safeguards, the primary method for preventing amputations.< The two primary methods used to safeguard machines are guards and safeguarding devices. Guards provide physical barriers that prevent access to danger areas. Safeguarding devices either prevent or detect operator contact with the point of operation […]

Don’t Let Your Workplace Go Up in Smoke

It takes only one tragedy to remind us of the critical importance of workplace fire prevention and emergency preparation. Don’t wait for fire to break out. Act today. Fire prevention is a combination of common sense, attention to detail, and follow-up. Emergency response is all about preparation. As you sit in your office reading this, […]

Fire Drills: Why, When, and How

Preparation is the key to effective response to workplace fires. Fire drills help prepare employees to respond quickly, calmly, and safely. Fire drills play a very important role in workplace fire safety. Although OSHA does not require fire drills, it strongly recommends them.

PPE: The Real World Perspective

Yesterday, we talked about OSHA’s PPE requirements. Today, we focus on management of PPE programs in the real world, where compliance isn’t something you can take for granted. OSHA standards are one thing, but what’s really happening in your workplace? That’s where the rubber meets the road when it comes to PPE compliance. The idealized […]

PPE: Your Commitment Is Their Protection

Those heads, eyes, ears, and lungs you’re protecting with your PPE program are attached to men and women who keep your business alive. Return the favor by providing effective PPE and making sure employees use it. In the eyes of many people, personal protective equipment (PPE) is workplace safety. A hard hat, steel-toed shoes, and […]

PPE: Your Commitment Is Their Protection

Those heads, eyes, ears, and lungs you’re protecting with your PPE program are attached to men and women who keep your business alive. Return the favor by providing effective PPE and making sure employees use it. In the eyes of many people, personal protective equipment (PPE) is workplace safety. A hard hat, steel-toed shoes, and […]

Take Control of Asbestos Hazards

Unprotected exposure to asbestos can be deadly. Keep your workers safe with comprehensive training, effective exposure controls, and proper PPE. Asbestos was, and still is, a widely used substance. When the fibers stay bonded together, asbestos is safe. Asbestos becomes dangerous, however, when it becomes friable—meaning that it crumbles and releases airborne fibers that can […]

Safe and Productive—The Way a Machine Shop Should Be

Yesterday, we began a review of machine shop safety, and today we continue with more suggestions for making your shop a safe and productive place. Proper storage is right up there with good housekeeping when you’re working to make your machine shop a safer place. Raw materials and finished products, which are usually found in […]

Put a Stop to Machine Shop Accidents

Although every machine shop is unique, they all share certain hazards and require employees to follow similar rules to prevent accidents. By covering all the bases, you can provide a strong foundation for your machine shop safety program. A while back when OSHA inspected a woodworking shop, the compliance officer cited the company for 36 […]

Foster Common Sense and Enhance It with Good Training

Here’s a small company with some big safety achievements. The key to their success is focusing on “real work/most likely situations.” React Environment Professional Services Group, Inc. (REPSG) is a Philadelphia environmental remediation firm with just 25 employees who perform assessments and cleanups. When asked what led this small company to big safety success, Charlene […]