Category: Training

Training is the number one element in accident, incident, and illness avoidance. Check the articles here frequently for the latest and best tips on techniques, trends, programs and equipment. We offer explanations for group, one-one, or self-directed situations, in both general and specific work activities. Your training will be both easier and more effective if you do.

Sharper Minds for Safer, Healthier Workers

Our Safety Training Tips editor says that taking steps to keep their brains sharp makes your employees safer workers who will live healthier, longer lives. Workplace safety and health depends on alert workers. Keeping employees’ brains sharp and focused on the challenges they face at work helps them to learn, solve problems, and become more […]

Invisible, Tasteless, and Odorless—And a Killer

Our Safety Training Tips editor says that while the dangers of radon gas may be a safety problem primarily in the home environment, it’s something your workers should be trained on. Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas. Although most people don’t know it, radon kills many thousands of Americans every year. And what they generally […]

You Must Train Workers on your EAP and FPP

Yesterday we looked at the question of whether space heaters, because of the fire safety hazard they pose, should be banned from your workplace. Today we turn to the larger issues of emergency action and fire prevention, and how you can—and must—train your workers on these crucial topics. According to OSHA, workplace fires and explosions […]

The Power of Laughter in Safety Training

We all know that safety is no laughing matter, but our Safety Training Tips editor says humor can be a valuable tool in getting your safety training messages across. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. TV comedian/pianist Victor Borge used to say that laughter is the shortest distance between two people. Laughing together […]

The ‘Silver Lining’ to Workplace Accidents

Today our Safety Training Tips editor looks at how you can use accident investigations to get something positive out of accidents and near misses. Could there be a silver lining? We generally think of job accidents as negative aspects of production. And, of course, they are. They’re certainly something you want to prevent. But if […]

Training Trumps Gadgets in Reducing MSDs

Yesterday we looked at the five primary methods OSHA recommends for preventing ergonomic injuries in the workplace ( safe work practices, PPE, administrative controls, training, and engineering controls). Today we’ll look at ways to train your workforce on health- and money-saving ergonomic practices.

4 Keys to Reducing Stress in Your Workplace

Stress reportedly costs American businesses more than $300 billion a year in terms of poor performance, absenteeism, and healthcare costs. Yesterday we saw how the erratic economy has sent employee stress levels soaring. Today we’ll look at ways you can help your workers manage their stress. The potential sources of stress are many and varied. […]

13 Signs That Your Workers Are Burning Out

With the economy down, employees’ stress levels are up—no surprise there. But it’s a legitimate cause for concern for most employers, so today we bring you some strategies to help keep your employees from burning out. According to a new poll by Free & Clear, 86 percent of employers are concerned about the level of […]

Deck the Workplace with Safe Decorations

This week our Safety Training Tips Santa—er, editor—gives you some practical tips about decorating your workplace safely. Ho, Ho, Ho! Attention all elves! Right about now Santa’s probably announcing the holiday decoration rules for the workshop to all his elves. You should be doing the same thing. If you haven’t already, this week circulate a […]

Wash Away Workplace Illness This Winter

Next week is National Hand Washing Awareness Week, and our Safety Training Tips editor explains how increased hand washing in the workplace can decrease the spread of infections—and lost workdays. Cold and flu season is just around the corner. That’s probably why next week, December 7–13, has been designated National Hand Washing Awareness Week. What’s […]