Category: EHS Career Trends/Certification

EHS management is not just a job, it’s a profession, and a noble one, at that. These articles and tips will clue you in on certification, career training, and peer group involvement in major organizations. And we’ll also provide tips on how to make management at your organization more aware of the strategic, business-building value of EHS programs. Don’t be surprised if your career benefits right along with the company.

Make the Case for EHS

Try these recommendations for promoting the business value of investments in EHS to your management. To promote the business value of investments in environmental, health, and safety programs, says BLR legal editor David Galt, you have to speak the language of your CFO. That’s just one of the tips Galt offered at a meeting of […]

Need Highly Effective Training at an Affordable Price? We’ve Got the Programs for You!

Training is a big part of your job—and a big responsibility. That’s why so many safety professionals like you turn to the Employee Training Center for help. BLR® is doing its part to assist you in your effort to provide excellent workplace safety training and add more value and versatility while keeping training affordable. For […]

Saving Energy at Work and Beyond

Earth Day is April 22 this year, so this is a good month to talk with employees about conserving energy at work. Whether they work in an office, a warehouse, a factory, or other workspace, employees can take many steps to save energy. Workers can start saving energy on their commute to work. Inform workers […]

One Website for All Your Workplace Safety Needs

Yesterday, we featured several general questions about workplace safety your colleagues have asked the experts at Today, we add a couple of more Q&As, plus details about all the other outstanding features you’ll find at BLR’s information-packed workplace safety website. Q. Is an employer required to keep records of the training and/or certifications of […]

Safety: Adapting to a Down Economy

With budgets getting pared back across the board, safety programs are not immune. Here are tips to help keep your safety training from getting squeezed out during corporate belt tightening. You can’t escape today’s sobering economic news. For many businesses, the fiscal fallout that started with the banks and brokerages is affecting their companies in […]

Checklists for New Hires – Young and Old Alike

All new hires – whether young or old – are at higher risk of work-related injuries and illness. Today we look at a tool that will drive home your safety message to all of your new employees. While it may be true that youth is wasted on the young, safety training, as we saw in […]

Discrimination: The Other Big Compliance Risk … and Training Need

Our readership includes thousands of smaller organizations, in which one or a few individuals are responsible for all forms of legal compliance and for training others to operate within the law. Some of that involves safety, but there are other risks, too. Our Safety Training Tips columnist discusses one of them today: discrimination. Discriminatory employment […]