A recent Staples survey confirms that 55% of employees feel that they cannot leave their desks during the day to take a break. Little do they know that the amount of effort they put in at work depends on these breaks.
Employees generally need to detach from their work and their work space to revitalize their internal resources. There are many different activities that employees can involve themselves in during their breaks, some of which include walking, reading, or taking the all-important lunch break. No matter which option is chosen, they all allow employees to wind down and regain their energy which ultimately improves their work by 59%, personal happiness by 43% respectively, and health by 37%, which was found from the results from the Staples survey.
If you think you’re doing yourself and your work a favor by not taking a break, you’re wrong. Your work will actually improve after you take a break. View Staples Breakroom Solutions.
Not only will a break improve work ethic and give that extra boost to make it through the day, they are actually good for your health. Blood circulation can be impaired for those sitting at desks for long hours, Repetitive Stress Injuries can develop (injuries to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that may be caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression, or sustained or awkward positions. This specific injury is especially true for those that sit at a desk for the majority of the day. RSI’s are extremely easy to develop. Carpal Tunnel, eyestrain, neck and back pain are all injuries brought on by RSI’s), and stress can set in which can result in:
- High blood pressure,
- Poor fitness,
- Low resistance to viruses, and serious illnesses.
So next time you think that you’re doing yourself a favor by skipping your break for the day, think again. Take a break for your work, but most of all, for your health.
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