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Keeping Safety Training Interesting: How Trainerman does it.

Faster than a speeding flipchart, more powerful than a PowerPoint, “Trainerman” Jonathan Klane keeps students involved in safety training with more than a superhero suit. Here’s how. When Jonathan Klane started out in safety and health training, he did so in a suit and tie. But as the years progressed, his style changed. These days […]

How One Company Protects Its Lone Workers

At Georgia Power, protecting lone workers is serious business, according to its safety and health general manager. Hamilton Hardin, safety and health general manager, says that Georgia Power makes every effort to ensure that lone workers, like all employees, are treated like "prized assets." Among other things, that means they get comprehensive safety training and […]

Biennial Reporting

Q. Our company is a 3rd party warehouse company. We have various customers and each one holds their own EPA ID number at our site. One customer is a Large Quantity Generator (LQG). Are there any regulations that specify that both us and our customer must submit the biennial report?

Stay Off OSHA’s Radar with Back Safety Training

Heed OSHA’s warning that it will concentrate enforcement efforts on industries with high rates of feasibly preventable back injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Yesterday we looked at the prevalence of back injuries in the workplace, and at some quick and simple stretches and exercises that, with regular use, can significantly cut down on the […]

New Violations Revealed in the VW Case

In its September 18, 2015, announcement that Volkswagen AG had installed illegal emission defeat devices in 500,000 four-cylinder diesel vehicles sold in the U.S. since 2008, the EPA said it would continue testing the company’s vehicles for compliance with the Clean Air Act.

Is Your Training ‘All Greek’ to Your Non-English Speakers?

Our Safety Training Tips editor says that in order for your safety training to be effective, you need to have clear communication with trainees. That’s an obvious goal, but it may be hard to achieve with workers who speak English as a second language (ESL). However, OSHA says that an employer’s responsibility to provide employees […]

Back Safety: Preventive Strategies from the Experts

Back problems cause workers pain and business huge losses, but they’re relatively easy to prevent, say experts, if you take the appropriate steps and do the appropriate training.” What malady affects 45–60 million Americans, including 70 percent to 80 percent of all workers, at some time in their careers? What’s the second-leading cause of lost […]

Injury and Illness Prevention Programs: Do They Work?

In a recent report, OSHA makes a case for injury and illness prevention programs. In a February white paper, OSHA defines an injury and illness prevention program as "a proactive process to help employers find and fix workplace hazards before workers are hurt." Says OSHA: "We know these programs can be effective at reducing injuries, […]

ocean rig

DOI Proposed Budget Includes Many Cuts But Not for O&G

While receiving less attention in the news than the administration’s proposed 31 percent cut to EPA’s 2018 budget, the proposed cut of $1.8 billion (13 percent) for the Department of Interior (DOI) significantly restructures DOI’s top priorities. In testimony before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke made it clear that the […]

NESHAP Compliance Deadlines Extended for Certain Sectors

Responding to two petitions for reconsideration, the EPA has issued a final rule extending several compliance deadlines under the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for the phosphoric acid manufacturing and phosphate fertilizer production source categories. The final rule also includes several technical amendments related to required monitoring and performance testing.