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NESHAP Compliance Deadlines Extended for Certain Sectors

Responding to two petitions for reconsideration, the EPA has issued a final rule extending several compliance deadlines under the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for the phosphoric acid manufacturing and phosphate fertilizer production source categories. The final rule also includes several technical amendments related to required monitoring and performance testing.

Chemical testing

EPA Addresses Nonanimal Testing of Chemicals

EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) and Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) have jointly released for public comment an interim science policy titled Use of Alternative Approaches for Skin Sensitization as a Replacement for Laboratory Animal Testing.

Expert Explains How Safety Actually Adds to the Bottom Line

Senior management often sees EHS programs as a cost item only, but leading process improvement expert Robert B. Pojasek says they increase profitability and company value. What’s more, he’s written a book that teaches you how to build a business case that proves it. Yesterday’s Advisor recounted the results of a recent poll of ASSE […]

Trainerman’s 19 Terrific Safety Training Tips

Jonathan Klane, aka “Trainerman,” may dress like a superhero but his safety training techniques are even more important. Here are some of his super ideas: Yesterday’s Advisor introduced us to “Trainerman,” aka safety and health trainer Johathan Klane of Klane’s Education Information Training Hub, Fairfield, Maine. Klane, who conducts safety meetings in a superhero outfit, […]

Major Findings from the Second Integrated Urban Air Report to Congress

Major Findings from the Second Integrated Urban Air Report to Congress Under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments of 1990, the EPA was tasked with taking action to reduce toxic air emissions and associated human health risks. In 1999, the EPA developed the Integrated Urban Air Toxics Strategy for reducing air toxics risks from all […]

Trend toward Green Bonds Could Ease Compliance Costs

Two U.S. senators recently introduced legislation that would provide up to $200 million annually in “Climate Change Bonds.” According to the international Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), $41.8 billion worth of green bonds were issued in 2015. The CBI has set a target of $100 billion in green bonds in 2016. Moody’s Investors Services says global […]

A Worrisome Uptick in Highway Fatalities

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says 37,461 lives were lost on U.S. roads in 2016. That’s an increase of 5.6% from 2015. Because the number of miles driven increased as well, the overall increase in deaths per 100 million miles traveled is 2.6%.

Ready for an Emergency? Plans, Policies, and People

Preparing for emergencies to reduce the potential for employee injury or death is a large and complex task. To carry out your responsibilities effectively, you have to consider all the plans, policies, and people involved in emergency response. Bad things happen to good companies and to their employees. Since September 11, 2001, U.S. businesses large […]

OSHA to Retool Enhanced Enforcement Program

OSHA’s Enhanced Enforcement Program is under the gun and slated for a makeover. OSHA has committed to upgrading the program, which could have a significant effect on those who fail to comply with safety standards. Enforcement under the Occupational Safety and Health Act is chronically criticized as inadequate, mismanaged, and underfunded. While those charges are […]