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6 Health-Smart Tips for Beating Heat Hazards

You may not be able to do anything about the hot temperatures this summer, but you certainly can do a lot to help prevent heat illness by recommending that your employees follow these 6 simple safety tips. Recommend that your employees follow these health-smart tips for beating summer heat hazards, both on and off the […]

Winter Wonderland? Or Hazard Trap?

The approaching winter can mean weather woes for you and your workforce. Because the week of November 10–14 is Winter Hazard Awareness Week, you’ll probably want to emphasize some winter safety tips in safety meetings next week. Here are some suggestions from our Safety Training Tips editor. Keep your workers safely on their feet. Preventing […]

Noisy, Yes—But Unsafe, Too?

Noise isn’t just loud and annoying on the job. It can be a safety and health problem as well—a problem OSHA requires you to do something about. Understanding and applying OSHA standards is at the heart of any safety and health program. When the safety issue is hearing conservation, the standard you need to understand […]

Curb BBP Risks with Universal Precautions

Universal precautions are essential to preventing the spread of bloodborne infections such as HIV and HBV (hepatitis B). Are your employees familiar with the concept and the practice?  “Universal precautions” means treating all blood and bodily fluids as if they are infectious—whether or not you think they really are. It doesn’t matter if it’s your […]

New Data on O&G Methane Rule Under Consideration

The Trump EPA continues to build a case for staying certain requirements of the Obama EPA’s June 2016 New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) governing emissions of methane from the oil and natural gas (O&G) sector.

Carbon Monoxide: Legal, Training, and Management Issues

Yesterday we provided 10 tips for limiting carbon monoxide (CO) exposure in your workplace. Today we turn to the legal,  management, and training issues surrounding CO exposure. Legal Issues Safety Audit Checklists from BLR points out that the controlling OSHA regulation is 29 CFR 1910.1000. OSHA lists carbon monoxide in its table of air contaminants […]

Take a Good Look and Make Your Workplace Safer

The only way to know whether workplace hazards exist and whether or not they are safely under control is to look for them on a regular basis. That’s what self-inspections are all about. OSHA recommends that your self-inspections should cover safety and health issues in the following areas: Processing, receiving, shipping, and storage, including equipment, […]

Keep Violence Out with Effective Prevention Strategies

With so much talk about guns and violence, it natural that employers are giving more thought than usual to workplace violence. Here are some prevention tips from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, which has had to deal with its share of workplace violence over the years. OSHA defines workplace violence is any act or […]

Hazard Communication Training

This content was originally published in December 2000. For the latest Hazcom Regulation changes, visit our article archives or try our practical Audio Click ‘n Train: Hazard Communicationtraining presentation. The hazard communication (hazcom) standard is one of the most complex of OSHA’s regulations, which is probably why it is cited most often during OSHA inspections. […]

Drinking Water Action Plan Starts with Infrastructure

The United States system of providing clean drinking water to all Americans, long viewed as one of the nation’s (and the world’s) premier environmental achievements, has been springing significant leaks over more than a decade. In its new Drinking Water Action Plan, which the EPA describes as a “national call to action,” the Agency sums […]