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Annual Safety Progress Report 2018

Our 2018 Safety Progress Report includes all of the findings from the new survey, as well as year-over-year comparisons. See how well EHS pros and their organizations are moving the safety needle in a positive direction, eliminating challenges, and checking off the required boxes necessary to meet the very important objective of protecting workers in all industries.

Measuring Safety Culture: Where Leadership, Culture and Metrics Intersect

Safety metrics, culture, and leadership all converge in an important area: The way that decisions regarding EHS programs are made within an organization.

This survey report, sponsored by Sphera, offer insights into how safety leaders in the real world are leveraging metrics and cultural initiatives in their important work preventing injury and illness in the workplace.

Compliance Training Rx: More Engaging Content

Compliance training affects just about every single organization around the world. It can be comprised of anything from a review of the employee manual to training on critical life or death issues.

What to Expect When You Are Inspected

A lot of individuals are afraid of being inspected, leading them to wonder, “Why did they pick me? Why are they at my facility? Will I be fined or penalized?”

Participation Counts (INFOGRAPHIC)

A recent survey in a report entitled Participation Counts: A Look at Participation-Based Safety highlights how safety leaders across a multitude of industries are encouraging employees to actively participate in workplace safety. The infographic provides insight into an emerging approach to EHS management, participation-based safety. Download the FREE infographic today!

Manager’s Toolkit: Behavior-Based Safety

Although most safety programs and research center around safe work practices and engineering solutions to safety and health problems, those strategies are not likely to have the desired effect if you don’t also have an effective way to encourage employees to engage in safe behaviors every day on the job. Behavior-based safety (BBS) programs can […]

Safety Automation & Technology Trends

The 2017 Safety Automation & Technology Trends Survey was launched in early July 2017 by EHS Daily Advisor. The responses paint a real-world picture of how safety professionals are using new technologies to manage the many challenges that they face every day.

supply chain sustainability

Supply Chains and Sustainability: Managing Contractor and Subcontractor Risk

Our Supply Chain and Sustainability Survey sponsored by Avetta® was launched in mid-April 2017, and by the time the survey closed about one month later, 379 environmental, health, and safety (EHS) professionals had shared their insights into how their companies are managing the safety risks that naturally occur in supply chains. See what respondents had to say!