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Toolbox Talk

Safety Training Toolbox Talk

Brief toolbox talks can be incorporated into busy schedules to relay new safety precautions or reinforce the safety message. Download this toolbox talk to take a simple step towards championing safety at your facility/jobsite!

(Bonus: This month you get an extra talk! That means you get not 1, but 2 toolbox talks!)


7 Stupid Reasons New Employees Get Injured

30% of employees injured at work have been on the job for less than a year. It seems like a high percentage, doesn’t it? Why is it so high? To answer that, let’s take a look at 7 stupid reasons new employees get injured.

8 Things Your SPCC Plan May Be Missing

Developing and implementing your facility SPCC Plan is no small feat. There are numerous requirements for plan content and also additional requirements for carrying out monitoring, recordkeeping, and inspection protocols. To help you, we’ve outlined 8 common plan deficiencies in this free download.

Top 10 OSHA Violations

Because the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cannot inspect all 7 million workplaces it covers each year, the Agency seeks to prioritize its inspection resources. In this year’s report, we have provided individual charts for the top 10 violations for both general industry and construction, with last year’s ranking in the last column.

Understanding EPA’s 2015 MSGP for Industrial Stormwater

This Special Report will help guide the regulated community through EPA’s 2015 MSGP for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity.
The 2015 revisions have significant deviations from the previous 2008 MSGP that warrant the regulated community’s attention.
This Special Report contains information on applicability, compliance deadlines, routine inspections and quarterly visual assessments as well as selecting and implementing control measures.

Understanding EPA’s Revised UST Regulations

After 27 years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released new regulations for underground storage tanks (USTs). Expanding on the 1988 regulations, the new regulations aim to curb releases of petroleum and hazardous substances into the environment.
The EPA estimates that 6,000 UST releases are discovered annually. To minimize these releases, the revisions focus directly on ensuring proper operation and maintenance of UST equipment as well as emphasizing the importance of operator training.

Near Miss Poster

Near Miss Reporting Poster

Near misses are accidents waiting to happen. Download and print this free poster for your workplace to help reduce injuries and remind workers of the importance of reporting near misses.

Safety Culture Toolkit

Everyone is talking about safety culture. This free toolkit will help you improve your existing program, or start one at your company. Get tips, a handy checklist, and two safety culture training talks—download today!

Top 10 OSHA Violations for 2015

Learn about OSHA’s current enforcement efforts and see which standards have made the Agency’s “most frequently violated” list. In this year’s report, you get individual charts for the top 10 violations for both general industry and construction, compared with last year’s ranking.