Free Resources

Cal/OSHA Inspections: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Whatever the reason, if Cal/OSHA on your doorstep, you can’t send the inspector away—not for long or without a very good reason— but you can be prepared for a Cal/OSHA visit. You can even take some steps to reduce your risk of being inspected. This Special Report will show you how.

Temp Worker Safety Insider Report

Temporary Worker Safety

From helping you understand the latest OSHA regulations on temporary worker safety, to strategies for improving training and adherence to your company’s “safety culture,” this in-depth Safety Insider Report (a $299 value!), will provide the knowledge you need to limit your liability, comply with federal regulations, and drive safety success in your organization for your entire workforce.

Cal/OSHA report thumb

California’s Workplace Violence Prevention in Health Care: What You Need to Know

The phenomenon of workplace violence, which has increased steadily in recent years, has been generating concern among employers. Employees, as well as supervisors and managers, have become all too frequent victims of assaults or other violent acts in the workplace, which entail a substantial risk of physical or emotional harm. Take a step towards protecting your workplace with this free report.

7 Steps for Safety Audit Success

This report discusses the 7 steps you need to develop a safety audit program that gives results. You’ll also get an interactive checklist to help you perform an audit at your facility.

Safety Training Playbook

Get your safety training off on the right foot with free toolbox talks. Start training workers on three critical topics: fall protection, back safety, and head protection. Access now!

Does Your PPE Program Meet Cal/OSHA Requirements?

This report examines the three critical steps that Cal/OSHA requires in its general regulation on PPE, as well as the vital—but not mandated—fourth step of following up. You’ll also learn how these general rules apply to the various categories of PPE.

Workplace Violence Prevention Toolkit

This toolkit reviews the 5 key components of a workplace violence plan, offers sample language for a zero tolerance policy, and helps you train your workers on how to avoid and prevent violence at your facility with a free toolbox talk.

PPE Survey 2016

Personal Protective Equipment: Gear Up for Safety

Threats to employee safety are an everyday occurrence—and PPE is a vital line of defense. In this survey report, we take a look at how managers address protective equipment, including proper distribution and training for workers.