Free Resources

Environmental Compliance Audits and E-Disclosure

This report will evaluate the pros and cons of conducting an environmental compliance audit, explain the criteria by which an audit should be conducted, and review the process for disclosing, via EPA’s online “e-disclosure” tool, any violations discovered during the course of an environmental compliance audit.

Recordkeeping Checklists for EHS Managers

Don’t get caught without the necessary records in the event of a surprise EPA or OSHA inspection. This special report contains a series of recordkeeping checklists to assist EHS managers to stay in compliance with major environmental and safety laws. Be advised that your state may have different recordkeeping requirements.

enviro audit checklist

Environmental Audit Preinspection Checklist

The following checklist helps you to use your time wisely by providing an environmental compliance profile worksheet that identifies the types of information you need to gather for a thorough preinspection.

5 Hazards that Put Outdoor Workers at Risk

In this California-specific special report, we’ll explore five hazards that employers of outdoor workers may need to address: weather, on- and off-road vehicles, biological hazards, solo work, and pesticide exposures.

OSHA Enforcement and Compliance Trends (2016 Edition)

OSHA has been busy, with several new, much-anticipated regulations recently taking effect. This report provides insight to these happenings, as well as a look ahead to the Agency’s new enforcement strategy, a review of who’s at risk of inspection in 2016, and a summary of major regulatory actions on the horizon.

Year in Review and What’s New in California for 2017

CAL/OSHA Regulations, Enforcement Trends, and More

Over the past year, California has undergone a number of important workplace safety developments. This exclusive Special Report will walk you through these developments and give you a preview of what’s coming your way in 2017 so you can prepare now.

Pharmaceutical Waste Management Guidance

Managing Pharmaceutical Waste [Guidance Document]

On August 31, 2015, the EPA proposed mandatory regulations for the management of hazardous waste pharmaceuticals. The goal of the new standards is to provide a regulatory scheme that addresses the unique issues that hospitals, pharmacies, and other healthcare facilities and pharmaceutical reverse distributors face.

This 4-page guidance document addresses issues and concerns related to the management of pharmaceuticals, most of which will remain relevant after the proposed requirements are finalized, which could be in 2016 or later.