Tag: BLR

Emergency Action Plan Checklist

Have you taken a good look at your workplace emergency action plan lately? Maybe it’s time for a review. General Issues Does your emergency action plan: Consider all potential natural or man-made emergencies that could disrupt your workplace? Consider all potential internal sources of emergencies that could disrupt your workplace? Consider the impact of these […]

Are You Prepared to Recover from a Workplace Disaster?

Whether it’s a weather emergency or some other disaster that hits your workplace, you need to be prepared to recover quickly and effectively. Large and small disasters happen all the time. Events ranging from purely local disasters, such as local flooding caused by a break in a local water main, smoke or fire damage caused […]

Audience Response Systems Enhance Learning

In today’s Advisor we get expert advice on how to use audience response systems to enhance your safety training program. Audience response systems engage learners in training and provide trainers with instant feedback that they can use to enhance the learning experience, says Ron Smrek, vice president of Sales/Corporate Government with Turning Technologies (www.TurningTechnologies.com). When […]

Gas Detection: Hydrogen Sulfide Hazards and Releases

Hydrogen sulfide, or sour gas, is a flammable, colorless gas that is toxic at extremely low concentrations. It is heavier than air, and may accumulate in low-lying areas. It smells like “rotten eggs” at low concentrations and causes workers to quickly lose their sense of smell. Hydrogen sulfide, or sour gas, is a flammable, colorless […]

Gas Detection: Special Precautions for Hydrogen Sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide gas is very corrosive and therefore extremely hazardous. You need to take special precautions when choosing equipment and establishing safe work procedures. Hydrogen sulfide gas is very corrosive and therefore extremely hazardous. You need to take special precautions when choosing equipment and establishing safe work procedures. All oil and gas well drilling sites […]

Not Too Hot to Handle: Tips for Preventing Heat-Induced Illnesses and Injuries

Late July brings some of the hottest temperatures of the year around the country. So it’s a good time for some refreshing refresher training on how your workers can beat the heat. Today’s Advisor gives you some training content. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) warns that heat-induced occupational illnesses, injuries, and […]