Tag: BLR

Election Impact: How Will it Affect Environmental Compliance for Employers?

BLR’s Clare Condon, Managing Editor, Environmental, explains where the 2012 presidential candidates stand on topics related to environmental compliance, such as climate change, the Clean Air Act, energy, and EPA regulations–and what employers may be able to expect based on whether Barack Obama or Mitt Romney is elected president.

UST Best Management Practices: Leak Detection

You can detect a leak from any portion of the tank or the connected underground piping that routinely contains petroleum Your leak detection is installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks for operability or running condition; and Your leak detection meets the performance requirements described […]

Emerging Treatment Stormwater Best Management Practices for Roadways

1. Ecology embankment. Also known as bioslopes, ecology embankments are modified filter strips that contain a soil mix to improve water quality, reduce runoff volume, and reduce erosion frequency. They are easily incorporated into standard fill slopes, are well proven and field tested, are nonproprietary, and largely last the life of the roadway. 2. Permeable […]

Election 2012: Where Do the Candidates Stand on NEPA?

Where do the candidates’ stand on EHS issues? Issue: National Environmental Policy Act By Elizabeth Dickinson, J.D. BLR Legal Editor ldickinson@blr.com Barack Obama: Supports and wants to “modernize and reinvigorate” NEPA as it provides transparency and accountability in federal decisions on the environment. The While House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) refers to NEPA as […]