CCUS Permitting Faces Stiff Challenges

While the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) creates opportunities for investors to fund carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration/storage (CCUS) projects and provides Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Section 45Q tax credits at a rate of $85 per ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) captured and stored, the regulatory red tape for permitting in the sector remains daunting. The […]

Carbon Capture Bills Gathering Steam in Congress

Several bills creating benefits and financing for carbon capture have been introduced in Congress and are seeing movement through bipartisan support.  Carbon capture, also known as carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS), is the process of gathering carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, typically from sources such as coal-fired power plants. Once captured, the greenhouse gas is […]

Emissions, Clean Air Act

Many Processes—But Few Solutions—for Industrial GHG Emissions

In 2017, industrial activity accounted for 22% of U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, third behind transportation (29%) and electricity (28%). When adding indirect emissions from the off-site generation of electricity needed to power industrial facilities, the share increases to 29.7%.