Tag: D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals

DC Circuit Court Rules on CBI in TSCA Reporting

On December 20, 2024, a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Confidential Business Information (CBI) Rule “is unlawful insofar as it requires entities reporting by non-confidential accession numbers and without knowledge of the underlying chemical identity to assert CBI claims for the underlying chemical identity in order to maintain the chemical identity’s confidentiality.” […]

Judge Says EPA Wrongly Classified Industrial Boilers as New Emissions Sources

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in September ruled against the EPA in United States Sugar Corp. v. EPA, unanimously deciding that the EPA erred in retroactively classifying industrial boilers built before 2020 as new sources of emissions. These boilers are used to create heat, electricity, and other forms of energy by burning materials like […]