Tag: E15

E15 Waiver Issued for Summer Drive Time

The EPA announced it has issued an emergency fuel waiver to allow E15 gasoline, or gasoline blended with 15% ethanol, to be sold during the summer driving season. “This action will provide communities with relief at the pump from ongoing market supply issues created by the ongoing war in Ukraine and conflict in the Middle […]


The Projected E15 Rule and Its Effect on USTs

Appeals from the petroleum industry notwithstanding, the EPA recently announced that it will continue to take action to “significantly increase the 2020 U.S. biofuel mandate.” One promised action is rulemaking to streamline labeling and “remove other barriers” to the sale of E15, a fuel comprising 85 percent (%) conventional gasoline and 15% ethanol.

EPA Approves the Summer Sale of E15

The EPA has issued a final rule to allow the sale of E15 during the summer (May 1 through September 15). E15 is gasoline blended with up to 15% ethanol. The Agency’s action, which takes effect 30 days after the rule’s publication in the Federal Register, fulfills President Donald Trump’s October 2018 directive to the […]

EPA Proposal Would Approve Use of E15 During the Summer

The prospects for year-round use of vehicle fuel with 15 percent ethanol (E15) are brighter with the EPA’s release of a proposed rule that would extend a Clean Air Act (CAA) waiver to E15 during the summer season.

President Signals New Rulemaking on E15

Multiple news media have reported—and a statement by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue made it semi-official—that President Donald Trump has directed the EPA to begin rulemaking to allow year-round sales of gasoline with 15 percent ethanol (E15).