Tag: SDS

Workplace Housekeeping: Don’t Sweep It Under the Rug!

Housekeeping is a task that often takes a back seat to other jobs that seem more pressing and important. But good housekeeping is important, too. It helps ensure a safer workplace. Remember the old saying, "A place for everything and everything in its place"? Well, there’s a lot of truth to that dictum, especially at […]

Take Steps to Remove Invisible But Dangerous Indoor Air Hazards

Yesterday, we talked about the problems caused by poor indoor air quality in the workplace. Today, we focus on solutions. OSHA recommends a systematic approach to indoor air quality problems of the type you use to address other health and safety problems. "Management needs to be receptive to potential concerns and complaints, and train workers […]

Are Corrosives Eating Away at Safety in Your Facility?

Are your workers in danger from corrosive chemicals? If so, give them the information they need to protect themselves. Workers may know that corrosive materials can be hazardous to their skin and eyes, but are they aware that these substances are also highly reactive when they come into contact with certain other substances? Or that […]

GHS Review: Part 2

In yesterday’s GHS review, we talked about compliance guidelines, how GHS has changed HazCom, and GHS-compliant labeling requirements. Today, we review issues involving the SDS and employee training. Manufacturers, importers, or distributors must provide a safety data sheet (SDS) to their customers for each hazardous chemical at the time of the first shipment of the […]

GHS Review: Are You Moving Toward Compliance?

The deadline for training employees on the SDS and GHS labels was December 1, 2013, so you should already have done that. The next deadline is June 1, 2015, when chemical manufacturers, importers, distributors must comply with all the requirements of the GHS rule (e.g., hazard classification, SDS format). Then, by December 1, 2015, all […]

Innovative Safety Ideas: Part 2

Yesterday, we explained how Cintas® Corporation is making workers safer by innovating. Today, we introduce you to another VPP worksite where innovative programs are also improving safety performance. Morton Salt’s Grantsville, Utah, facility is one of the company’s four worksites to have earned VPP Star status. About 10 years back, the Grantsville plant had received […]

BLR Polls Safety Professionals About Key Safety Issues

In yesterday’s Advisor, we revealed the results of some monthly Safety.BLR.com polls in which safety professionals like you responded to interesting questions about the state of safety in their facilities. Today, we continue with a review of additional polls. If you’d like to have your voice heard in upcoming Safety.BLR.com polls, join the many safety […]

Supervisors’ Safety Responsibilities

Supervisors play a key role in workplace safety. According to Oregon OSHA, supervisors have five main safety responsibilities. It identifies these in its Safety and the Supervisor training instruction guide. Provide safety training. Training must create awareness of safe behavior, teach required skills for working safely, increase knowledge by providing accurate, up-to-dater information about workplace […]