Tag: TDS

Hydraulic Fracturing Waste Streams—An Overview

Hydraulic Fracturing Waste Streams—An Overview Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas uses millions of gallons of water for each well and during the life of the well, a large percentage of that water returns to the surface and becomes a waste stream. In the vernacular of hydraulic fracturing, there are two types of water resulting from […]

Hydraulic Fracturing—5 Reasons to Consider Wastewater Recycling

Hydraulic Fracturing—5 Reasons to Consider Wastewater Recycling 1) Hydraulic fracturing requires the use of millions of gallons of freshwater per well. Although hydraulic fracturing water volumes vary across the United States, a single well generally requires the use of one million to five million gallons of water, and the U.S. Department of Energy notes that […]