In this installment of EHSDA Shorts, Derek Sang, QSSP, CSHEP (IASHEP), Senior Technical Training Manager, Bulwark Protection, explains the updated definition of flame-resistant (FR) engineering.
This clip was taken from a webinar titled “Advanced FR: A Deeper Look Into FR Protection.” The full session is available for free on-demand here.
The webinar was sponsored by Bulwark Protection.
Transcript (edited for clarity):
Derek Sang: Where do we want to take the discussion because all the top manufacturers today that are working with the top brands today are utilizing various degrees of what the old definitions were of inherit and treated? So where do we want to take the terminology, where do we want to take the language?
We’re moving to an updated definition. We are going to be talking about FR engineering because we have engineered FR properties into the fiber and the fabrics at three different levels.
For industrial work garments, we’re either altering the molecular formula, we’re either adding FR chemistry at the fiber level and/or we’re adding FR chemistry at the fabric level.
At the end of the day these have gotten so good, the engineering and the science behind it is so good that it does not matter.
It does not matter whether you are using the terms inherent intriguing the fact all the FR engineering today will self-extinguish.
And that is the key important part, that once that ignition source is removed, do these fabrics put themselves out regardless of how the Fr properties were achieved?
And if the answer is yes, then they’re all the same. With that, the perfect fiber does not exist. There is no perfect fiber blend, thus there’s no perfect fabric.
The contributing fibers bring their various contributions of strength, durability, moisture management, lightweight. What is important is that the FR engineering is accomplished in such a way that it’s guaranteed for life.
So when you’re looking at building that spec and when you’re looking to reach out to source that spec, all you want to look for is, is it guaranteed for life?
And all the top technologies and we’ll talk about these in some way, shape or form as they are woven into ultimately that fabric that is cut and sewn into that garment, it’s going to be durable for the life of that garment.
As manufacturers and always looking for the next winning fabric, we’re always looking to evaluate viable FR fabrics and FR engineering and we’re always looking for fabrics to enhance and complement our lines.