Construction, Personnel Safety, Technology and Innovation

Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Worker Safety in Construction

In the ever-evolving industry of construction, prioritizing worker safety is paramount. At Skanska, our commitment to safety and efficiency is reinforced by the latest advancements in technology. We’re innovating with impact, integrating technologies to enhance safety and improve project results. These advanced technological tools have been pivotal in transforming traditional safety measures into proactive, dynamic systems. They’re reshaping safety protocols across all our projects by setting new standards for safer working conditions in the industry.

By leveraging data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI)-driven monitoring systems and robotics, and automation, we not only anticipate potential hazards but also respond more effectively to risks. This strategic use of technology not only mitigates immediate threats but also contributes to a culture of long-term safety awareness and preparedness that spreads through every level of our operations.

Below are the top five ways that technology is playing a crucial role in keeping construction workers safe.

  1. Predictive analytics through AI

AI stands at the forefront of technological contributions to safety, offering predictive capabilities that identify potential hazards before they happen. By analyzing data collected from various sensors and inputs across the jobsite, AI algorithms can predict accident-prone conditions, enabling proactive actions to mitigate risks. This approach not only prevents accidents but also promotes a safety-first culture.

AI’s impact extends beyond just prediction. These systems continuously learn from the data they process, which means their accuracy in identifying potential dangers improves over time. This learning capability allows AI tools to adapt to dynamic construction environments and project phases, ensuring that safety measures are always aligned with current conditions.

The implementation of AI-driven systems also enhances communication and collaboration across teams. Through real-time data sharing and analysis, everyone is kept informed about potential risks and necessary precautions. This collective awareness helps build a unified commitment to maintaining high safety standards.

2. Robotics for high-risk tasks

The use of robotics in construction reduces human exposure to high-risk situations. Robots are employed for tasks such as automated equipment checks, 360-degree photo capture, or operations within hazardous environments—areas where human involvement would pose significant risks. From performing intricate tasks at great heights to handling dangerous materials safely, robots improve both safety and efficiency on-site.

Additionally, these robotic systems can be equipped with advanced sensors and AI capabilities that enhance their effectiveness. They can monitor environmental conditions, provide real-time data to operators, and even learn from past activities to optimize safety protocols continuously. This integration of robotics not only improves the safety standards but also significantly boosts productivity by allowing human workers to focus on less risky, higher-value aspects of projects.

3. Drones for inspections

Drones revolutionize site inspections by providing aerial views that expose potential hazards without putting workers at risk. They are particularly useful for inspecting large-scale projects or accessing difficult-to-reach areas at height such as elevator cores, building facades, roofs or confined spaces.

Additionally, underwater drones have made it safer to inspect conditions in aquatic project sites by significantly reducing the need for diver deployments.

The versatility of drones extends further as they can be equipped with various sensors, including thermal imaging cameras and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology, which enhance their capability to detect issues that are not visible to the human eye. For example, thermal imaging can identify overheating equipment or electrical faults before they lead to failures or fires, while LIDAR can help in creating precise 3D maps of a site for better planning and monitoring.

In addition to enhancing safety, drones also improve efficiency on construction sites. By providing real-time data and imagery, drones help project managers make informed decisions faster. This capability is crucial during critical phases of construction when changes need to be implemented swiftly to avoid delays or address immediate risks.

Drone technology also supports environmental conservation efforts which leads to safer surroundings. Their ability to monitor sites from above makes them excellent tools for ensuring that construction activities do not adversely affect surrounding habitats or protected areas.

4. Advanced site cameras ensure safety

Advanced, AI-enhanced, site cameras play a critical role in the monitoring of job sites as these cameras help detect unsafe practices instantly and ensure compliance with safety protocols. Real-time video feeds allow project leaders to intervene quickly when they spot any deviations from established safety norms.

The capabilities of these advanced cameras extend beyond traditional monitoring. Features such as motion detection, night vision, and automated alert systems enable instant notification to supervisors immediately when potential hazards are detected. This high level of automation not only speeds up the response times but also aids in the preemptive mitigation of risks—actively preventing accidents before they occur.

Through continuous analysis of video data, AI-enhanced cameras can identify behavioral trends that may indicate underlying safety concerns. By compiling this data and generating insightful analytics, we gain a deeper understanding of frequent violations or recurring hazards specific to areas within the site. This information is invaluable in refining our safety strategies and developing targeted training programs designed to address these identified risks effectively.

Beyond immediate reactive measures, these advanced cameras play a pivotal role in driving long-term improvements in jobsite safety. The comprehensive documentation captured serves as a resource during post-incident reviews and investigative processes, helping teams understand what went wrong and formulate strategies to prevent similar incidents in future projects.

In scenarios involving complex operations with multiple teams or heavy machinery, these cameras offer a bird’s-eye view that is essential for coordinating efforts safely and efficiently. Integrating these video feeds facilitates seamless communication across various parts of a project. This integration ensures that all team members have real-time information about ongoing activities around them.

Camera vision technology improves onsite security through a suite of advanced capabilities. It offers real-time monitoring and immediate notifications, crucial for the swift communication of any incidents or hazards. This ensures potential risks are quickly mitigated, minimizing damage and enhancing worker safety. Proactive site monitoring entails a continuous analysis of the environment and operations to anticipate and avert incidents before they occur.

Also, access control is essential, ensuring that only authorized personnel are on site, in compliance with safety protocols. This not only streamlines site access management but also guarantees that all present personnel are authorized and properly trained—key factors in maintaining stringent safety standards. Additionally, this technology fosters improved communication across the site, ensuring that all team members are promptly informed and can coordinate effectively in response to any situation.

5. Continuous learning and improvement from video analytics

Video analytics play a pivotal role in enhancing our safety protocols by fostering continuous learning and heightened awareness within daily operations. This technology not only acts as a preventive tool but also empowers our teams to swiftly pinpoint and rectify risky behaviors, turning potential hazards into valuable learning moments. Such proactive measures ensure every operation bolsters best practices and mitigates risks, solidifying our dedication to a robust safety culture.

Furthermore, video analytics enable us to tailor our training programs with scenarios derived directly from our job sites, moving beyond hypothetical examples to provide real-life lessons that are immediately relevant to our workers’ experiences. This approach not only enhances the applicability of training but also deepens its impact.

By encouraging teams to collaboratively review footage and discuss enhancements, video analytics also promote a unified approach to safety. This collective engagement helps foster an environment where accountability is shared, and best practices are continuously refined across all levels of our organization.


In the construction industry, advancing safety and enhancing operational efficiency are vital. At Skanska, our commitment to safety is structured around our Care for Life 5 (CFL5) framework. This strategy was derived from data that pinpointed the five critical areas where a significant 93% of serious incidents occur on construction sites. By leveraging such data-driven strategies, companies can not only adhere to stringent safety norms but also foster consistent planning and accountability across their teams.

The integration of advanced technologies into construction operations is transforming workplace safety. These innovations play a pivotal role in how risks are predicted, responded to, and mitigated in the industry.

In today’s data-driven industry, project teams are inundated with vast amounts of information. While many existing market solutions continue to focus on lagging indicators, there is a pressing need to shift towards leading indicators. These forward-looking metrics can predict and prevent safety issues before they happen. Leveraging these technologies we discussed can transform this data into actionable insights. This not only enhances onsite safety but also improves overall project efficiency by allowing teams to anticipate risks and adjust processes proactively.

For company leaders who want to enhance their safety protocols, adopting such technological advancements can amplify their ability to manage projects more safely and efficiently. It encourages an environment where continuous innovation is embraced, pushing the boundaries of what it means to work safely while maintaining high standards of quality.

Ultimately, embracing these technological innovations not only promotes a culture of safety and accountability but also drives the entire construction industry forward, paving the way for a future where all workplaces are safer, smarter, and more sustainable.

Michael Zeppieri serves as Vice President of Emerging Technology for Skanska USA Building, where he oversees the national Emerging Technology team and leads the exploration, piloting and scaling of technologies across the organization.

Danielle O’Connell serves as Senior Director of Emerging Technology at Skanska USA Building and focuses on the integration of emerging technologies into design and construction processes, partnering with clients and project teams to deliver solutions that improve project outcomes.

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